
ChiMe Activity Bulletin and Advertising Deadlines. Last day for these submissions to the June ChiMe. Interested in organizing and hosting a virtual or in-person event? Find out how by checking out our guide to hosting events.
ChiMe Editorial Deadline. Last day for editorial submissions to the June ChiMe. Please submit original articles, insights, puzzles, brain teasers, or short poems. Your fellow Chicago Area Mensa members would love to hear from you.

Conversation with London Mensans 8 AM. Join a video chat with our kin from across the big pond in London at 2 PM BDT. RSVP (via Meetup preferred) to local host Carey S. to receive the Zoom sign-in information. The London host is Ian David Moseley.
Virtual Event!!
54th Chicago Annual Pride Parade Registration Reminder. The Parade will be held Sunday, June 29th, the last Sunday of the month. The CAM contingent is sponsored by the Rainbow SIG. The Rainbow SIG will be marching and riding on their float again this year in the Chicago Annual Pride parade. There will also be a GOBS-subsidized meal nearby after the parade. For all details, visit the Parade Info webpage or see the article in the April ChiMe (when it becomes available). For all details, visit the Parade Info webpage.
RSVP for Ethnic Dining held on Saturday, May 3rd no later than 1 PM on Friday, May 2nd. RSVP via Meetup preferred.
Ethnic Dining 1 PM. Join us for a GOBS-subsidized lunch at a venue TBA. Save the date. For Ethnic Dining notifications, updates, and all the details, join the Mensa Connect Ethnic Dining Group, but do not use it to RSVP. This event recurs on the 2nd Sunday of the month.
Date Change!!

CultureQuest® XXXVI 3 PM. Today, all across the country as well as Canada, all at the same time, teams of Mensa members will participate in a 90-minutes-long contest to test cultural literacy administered by American Mensa. Prizes will be awarded to twenty “Classic” (no age restrictions) teams and one “Next Generation” (youth) team with the highest scores! Submit your team registration information to American Mensa by Monday, March 31st. Get all the details including how to get the registration fee covered by GOBS funds and, if you want your team to meet virtually, how to request your own Discord channel. We wish our teams the best of luck today!
Cinco de Mayo
Conversation with London Mensans 8 AM. See Thursday, May 1st.
Virtual Event!!
Zoom Lunch 1 PM. Perhaps the longest running Mensa event anywhere, Chicago’s Zoom Lunch (formerly known as the Downtown Lunch) is held every week, alternating between Tuesday and Thursday. Join us for conversation, laughs, and attempts to define words you’ll never use again. The Zoom id is 836 1178 6315 and the passcode is 190710; it is also included as part of your host Jon G.’s contact information if you prefer a link. Questions? Contact Jon via email or call/text him. You may also RSVP via Meetup. We’d love to have you join us!
Virtual Event!!

Rockford-Area Dinner 6:30 PM. Join Dave and other Rockford-Area Mensans for dinner at Chavez Mexican Restaurante located at 5494 E. State St. in Rockford (on the north side of State Street just west of St. Anthony Hospital). To RSVP , for more information, or to get on our email list, contact Dave L., our Rockford-Area Coördinator. RSVP required in case of cancellation, time, or venue change. Do not RSVP via Meetup. This event usually recurs on the second Friday of the month.
Poetry Discussion 7 PM. Our poetry group is using Zoom for meetings. Please send a poem or two to Joe D. by Monday, May 5th. Interested persons who are not currently members of the poetry group can contact Joe D. , and he will email the poems to be discussed. Contact Bill K. for the Zoom links or any help you might need. Do NOT RSVP via Meetup. This event is usually held on the evening of the second Friday of the month.
Virtual Event!!
Mother’s Day
Zoom Lunch 1 PM. See Thursday, May 8th.
GOBS Request Deadline Noon. Today is the last day to submit a request for GOBS funds to be approved at this Saturday’s Business Meeting for any planned, eligible event, activity, or class taking place after Saturday, May 17th and through Saturday, June 21st or later; to be eligible, events involving CAM members must be published in the issue of ChiMe corresponding to the month in which they occur. For CAM events, it’s recommended you submit the GOBS request and get it approved before submitting your event information for publication in ChiMe — so no later than today for events planned for July. July events need to be submitted by the 1st of June to the activities editor to be included in the July ChiMe. An article must be featured in the July ChiMe for GOBS-subsidized August events with an RSVP deadline in July (same 1st of June deadline but article emailed to the editor; see editorial deadline).
RSVP for Northern Exposure no later than 10 AM. RSVP via Meetup preferred.
Northern Exposure Dinner 6:45 PM. Polar bears paddling around your pool? Then you should have dinner with us. Join us for dinner at a venue TBD in Lake County. Please RSVP on Meetup or via Janice’s email, jesser@chicago.us.mensa.org , so she can reserve a big enough table.
Conversation with London Mensans 8 AM. See Thursday, May 1st.
Virtual Event!!

Conservatives Lunch 11:30 AM. Join other members of the Mensan cell of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy for lunch and civilized un-PC conversation. No forbidden questions, no unchallengeable answers. This lunch happens on the third Saturday every month. The venue will be The Patio, 2780 S. Highland Ave. in Lombard (NW corner of Butterfield and Highland, but you can enter only from Highland). RSVP by emailing Jim Z. the event coördinator. You may also RSVP via Meetup. Open to non-Mensans; bring a curious friend.

Beverly Area Saturday Salon (B.A.S.S.) ~Noon. Spontaneous conversation in far SSW Chicago, approximate vicinity of 107th St. & Western Ave. Please contact Rick E. the Beverly Area Coördinator, for this month’s location and the exact time as well as more information; if emailing, put “BASS” in the subject line. This event usually recurs midday on the 3rd Saturday of the month.
Our next
Monthly Gathering
occurs on
April 19th.
at the
Rolling Meadows Community Center
3705 Pheasant Drive, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
* * * * * *
Our April MG is free for all CAM members!
Monthly Gathering
It’s the 60th Anniversary of Chicago Area Mensa!! The location of our May Monthly Gathering is the Rolling Meadows Community Center
3705 Pheasant Dr. in Rolling Meadows.Games and hospitality are in the spacious auditorium, with overflow space in the lobby. The speaker event is in the Card Room. Park in the NW lot behind the building and use Entrance K (near inner corner). Please note that we have this venue only until midnight, so plan accordingly. This gathering is open to the public. So if you’re interested in learning more about Chicago Mensa, come join us. There is an admissions fee to help cover costs (major credit cards accepted). Members, RSVP via Meetup to let your friends know you’re going to be there.
Test:5 PM.Business Meeting:5 PM.Game room opens:6 PM.Program:7:30 PM.Refreshments:8:30 PM - Midnight.The CAM Executive Committee has allocated GOBS funds to be used for the reimbursement of either or Uber ridesharing services from/to the Arlington Park METRA station. Details are on our Monthly Gathering page.
* * * * *
Get involved! Hone your leadership, organizational, or web skills. We’re looking for volunteers to fill some of the open positions listed both near the back of ChiMe or on the List of Officers. Try your hand as a co-Program Officer, a website designer, web content creator, or a MG Hospitality Volunteer. You can view the job descriptions and the required qualifications for all the open positions and ones you may be interested in. Or consider supervising the children at the MG for some extra cash.
* * * * *
Express Yourself
Write an article, submit a photo, or create a puzzle for ChiMe; see our Submission Guidelines for contact information and deadlines. Host your own event or your own virtual event using Discord!Program Topic: TBA

SFRM: Escaping the Nazis: The Untold Story of the Kindertransport From Someone Who Was on the Train 4:30 PM. In the months prior to the Holocaust, 10,000 children left their parents and escaped the Nazis on the Kindertransport, a series of train rides to safe havens in Europe where good Samaritans took them in. One of those kids was 7-year-old Manny Korman who, along with his brother, made it to England and eventually to the United States. Korman will share his experience during those years away from his family, and the long journey it took to be reunited with his parents. Korman will be joined on the panel by Jason Camis, the grandson of another Kindertransport survivor, in a conversation moderated by journalist Benyamin Cohen.
Manfred Korman was born in Hamburg, Germany, in December 1931. He attended the Talmud Torah School for Kindergarten and in October 1938, was deported, with his family, to Poland. In August 1939, after being selected for the Kindertransport program, Korman left Poland and arrived in England just prior to the German declaration of war on Sept. 1, 1939. He left England on Sept. 1, 1939 and arrived in New York on Sept. 10, 1939. Korman attended the New York City school system, graduating from Thomas Jefferson High School in June 1945. After graduating from Queens College, he was drafted into the Army and served for nearly two years. His teaching career began in 1956, and he retired as a principal of a junior high school in 1995.
For more details, visit the SFRM Zoom RSVPs FB Group or the SFRM List of Presentations. To register, visit San Francisco Regional Mensa (SFRM)’s registration signup for this event.
Virtual Event!!
Conversation with London Mensans 8 AM. See Thursday, May 1st.
Virtual Event!!
Zoom Lunch 1 PM. See Thursday, May 8th.

Theodore Talk: Sweet Home: The Storied History of Chicago Blues 2:30 PM. In this Theodore Talk you’ll journey through the rich history and evolution of blues music, tracing its origins from the deep Southern fields to the bustling streets of Chicago, where it found its modern-day home. You’ll explore the socio-cultural forces that shaped the blues, its migration during the Great Migration, and how Chicago became a beacon for blues innovation, producing legendary artists and iconic sounds.
Jacob Schulz, blues musician and historian, will discuss the current challenges facing the blues, including its fading mainstream presence and efforts to preserve its legacy for future generations. This talk will not only highlight the deep historical roots of the blues but also showcase how it continues to resonate as a timeless and influential art form today.
You might even learn about a few joints to visit while at the AG! To register for this Theodore Talk, visit the American Mensa Events website or, on or after Friday, May 23rd, tap/click on the Zoom link that will be available here on our website. See a list of all the Theodore talks on the American Mensa Events website. Even if you can’t attend the live talk, provided you register, you will receive a link to a recording of the event. Closed captioning enabled.
Virtual Event!!
Memorial Day
Zoom Lunch 1 PM. See Thursday, May 8th.

Breakfast in Mount Prospect 10 AM. Breakfast or lunch and conversation at Jelly Café located at 1784 W. Golf Rd. in Mount Prospect (northwest corner of Golf Rd. and Busse Hwy.), featuring a large and diverse menu. Dining might be indoors or outdoors, depending on conditions. Separate checks are available. Use Meetup, but if not on Meetup, RSVP to Ken L. via email. If you RSVP by email, your reservation is not confirmed until you receive a confirmation email.

MEANS (North Suburbs) Dinner 6:30 PM. Join Mensans Eating Around North Suburbs (MEANS) at Hackney’s on Lake located at 1514 E. Lake Ave. in Glenview. Free parking. Separate checks available. Limit 12. Please RSVP via Meetup (preferred) or email Brent B. Recurs on the 4th Tuesday of the month.
Conversation with London Mensans 8 AM. See Thursday, May 1st.
Virtual Event!!
54th Chicago Annual Pride Parade Registration Reminder. The Parade will be held Sunday, June 29th, the last Sunday of the month. The CAM contingent is sponsored by the Rainbow SIG. The Rainbow SIG will be marching and riding on their float again this year in the Chicago Annual Pride parade. There will also be a GOBS-subsidized meal nearby after the parade. For all details, visit the Parade Info webpage or see the article in the April ChiMe (when it becomes available). For all details, visit the Parade Info webpage.
* * * * *
1 June/Sunday
ChiMe Activity Bulletin and Advertising Deadlines. Last day for these submissions to the July ChiMe. Interested in organizing and hosting a virtual or in-person event? There’s bound to be an activity or a restaurant you want to try, but you just want some other people to experience it with you. So invite your fellow Mensans. Find out how by visiting our guide to hosting events.
ChiMe Editorial Deadline. Last day for editorial submissions to the July ChiMe. Please submit original articles, insights, puzzles, brain teasers, photographs, or short poems. Your fellow Chicago Area Mensa members would love to hear from you.
Activities Bulletin
May 2025 (Tentative)
RSVPs - Always contact the CAM event host as specified in the event details — email , phone , text , or Meetup .
Chicago Mensa Meetup - All our events are listed; see who signed up, get notifications, and add the event(s) to your personal calendar. Check out the current calendar
Chicago Mensa Meetup - All our events are listed; see who signed up, get notifications, and add the event(s) to your personal calendar. Check out the current calendar