Chicago Area Mensa Youth Information

Youth Facebook Group

Hi everyone,

If you’re a CAM youth member, a parent of a CAM youth member, or a CAM member with youth family members, you might be interested in our new Chicago Area Mensa Youth Facebook group.

Membership is limited to parents of CAM youth members and CAM members with youth family members. (And youth members old enough to have Facebook accounts.) Only those who answer all the required questions (including a membership number) will be able to join.

The Facebook group is a forum for conversation about gifted youth, activities, and impromptu get-togethers. Join it and keep track of what’s going on. We’ll still be emailing weekly reminders of all events, of course, as well as including them in ChiMe, the monthly events on this website, and Meetup!

Upcoming Youth Events

Saturday, July 20th

Gifted Youth Virtual Board Game 3 PM. Board Game Arena has a nice facility for playing games with friends on-line. It includes a chat feature and we have a Zoom link for those that want to talk outside of the game. Login to the BGA website before the event and register if you haven’t already joined. Email your username to Bill R. so he can send a message to let people know who they should meet up with. Your host is wrock_NTM.
Virtual Event!!

Thursday, October 31st through Sunday, November 3rd

HalloweeM 48: Road Trippin’

Only 107 more days! Join Chicago Area Mensans during our infamous HalloweeM weekend. Our Regional Gathering (RG) is the largest and the program offers plenty of variety to stimuate your mind. There’s also a superabundance of games and contests to challenge you plus many opportunities to have fun, converse and just enjoy yourself. The pun-tastic costume parade entries will make you laugh (or groan). Meals, snacks, and beverages are included with the exception of dinner on Saturday & lunch on Sunday.

Mensans, you can now register for HalloweeM! The rates increase after this Wednesday.

The hotel is offering a special $129 WeeM rate through October 17th, subject to availability.

You don't want to miss this incredibly fun experience.

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