Interested in Joining?

Below are the answers to our most frequently asked questions. If you'd like additional information, call Membership Chair Robin Jurkowski at (872) 802.1169  or e-mail  her.

What do I need to qualify?
To order to join Mensa, you must score in the top 2% on any of a number of standard intelligence tests. If you have already taken such a test, you may submit the scores of that test to qualify. Here is a list of scores of some common tests that you can submit as prior evidence to join Mensa.
When can I take a qualifying test?
If you haven't previously taken an intelligence test, you can take one of the tests sponsored by Mensa. Tests are administered locally once or more a month. Click/Tap here for the dates of upcoming proctored tests.
May I take a practice test?
Yes, at-home practice tests are available for $9.99. Click/Tap here to be taken to the online purchase page. You may also try the Mensa Workout quiz for fun.
How can I find my prior evidence?
You may be able to obtain your scores from the appropriate testing agencies. If the agency no longer has a copy of your scores, your high school or college may have your scores as part of your official records.
I have my prior evidence. How do I use it to join?
FreePE_970x90.stack.png Visit this page to begin the process. Briefly, you'll submit an official copy of your test scores and, prior to the end of this month, the $49 fee only the prorated membership fee for both the evaluation and for dues through March 31, 2026.
What happens after I send in my prior evidence?
If your prior evidence is accepted, the National Office will send you your membership information.
Is there another way of qualifying?
Yes. You can take a test administered electronically by a private testing agency approved by Mensa. This method offers confidentiality, scheduling convenience, and quicker results. Click/Tap on this link to find a testing agency near you.
How do I rejoin?
If you have been a member of American Mensa in the past and would like to rejoin, please contact the National Office at (817) 607.0060  or at . If you know your membership number, you can also pay your dues online with a credit card or via direct debit to your bank account. You do not have to take another test; you need simply pay your dues for the current membership year.
What can I expect after I pay my dues to join or rejoin?
The National Office will process your payment and send you a national Welcome Packet within two weeks of receipt of payment. Depending on when in the month you paid your dues, it will take 2-6 weeks from the date of payment processing before you hear from the local group. Once a month, the National Office sends each local group a list of new members, and that list arrives about the 10th of the following month. Once the list arrives, a local group Welcome Packet containing the current month's local newsletter and Membership Handbook will be sent to you. In the meantime, feel free to attend one or more of our upcoming events.
Why join?
Benefits our members have experienced include:
  • Friendships: Time-tested—millions of friendships, and marriages, formed worldwide two persons at a time.
  • Conversations and Learning: Exchanging penetrating thoughts and ideas on a limitless array of topics with less effort.
  • Gaming: For fun or for the challenge or both.
  • Gifted Youth: A lifetime of support and opportunities.
  • Networking: Advancing careers with a leg up.
  • Leadership Development: Learn a new skillset through training and on-the-job experience as a volunteer — benefitting both you and Mensa.
  • Global Travel Program: Opportunities for true cultural immersion and for building a global network of smart friends.
  • Altruism: Giving back to the community through the Mensa Education and Research Foundation and through various volunteer projects throughout the year.
How do I get more information?
Call Membership Chair Robin Jurkowski at (872) 802.1169  or e-mail .
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