For Chicago Area Mensa Members

Public vs Members-Only Access

By tapping/clicking on the menu icon on the top right, there are many options that are of particular interest to Chicago Area Mensa members. Most of the information on our website is publicly viewable, but not personal information, such as phone numbers, addresses, and last names of non-officers. Access to that information requires you to log in using your American Mensa e‑mail address and password. Our newsletter ChiMe and all official documents are also restricted to members only as designated by the icon.

In the public section, you’ll find information about joining Mensa, Chicago Area Mensa officers past and present, and Service Awards. Our activities, including our regional gathering — HalloweeM — and Monthly Gathering, are also listed as well as photos, links to resources related to intellectual giftedness, puzzles, recipes, and more.

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Members Only

In the password-protected section, Chicago Area Mensa Members may get information about any of the following:

  • CAM’s Idea Board: CAM has an Idea Board where you can add ideas and upvote ideas others have submitted that you’d like to see CAM focus on. Input is anonymous and an account isn’t required. Please share your ideas, suggestions, and comments by tapping/clicking on this link. Please feel free to send a note to any ExComm (formerly known as the Board of Directors) member if you want to be involved.
  • ChiMe Newsletter: Current and past full-color PDF versions of our monthly newsletter ChiMe are available to view and download. And since the full-color digital version is available on our website (and the most current version quite a bit earlier than the printed version), if you’re interested in going "green" as well as helping our group save money that can be put to better use, there are instructions on that webpage on how to go paperless. Plus, if you do still receive a mailed copy, instructions for a change of address (temporary and permanent). If you’d like to submit an article or material to be published in ChiMe, please view the Submission Guidelines. We’d love to hear from you.

    If you haven't gone paperless, our circulations manager is interested in seeing how long it takes before members receive their issue of ChiMe. Members can enter the date they got it, especially if it’s late. The ChiMe will not be forwarded.
  • Activity/Event/SIG Coördinators/Hosts: To protect our members' privacy, contact information for events is only available on our password-protected Contact Info page. The list of hosted SIGs and related contact information can be found here. Chicago Area Mensa is an active social group. Information about events, including our Monthly Gathering, are available when you follow this link. The more you participate, the more you'll reap the benefits of your membership by forming lasting friendships with fellow Ms that get your jokes and relate to you on a level different than what you may have experienced with other people.
  • The GOBS Trust Fund: These funds are available to all CAM members for certain activities including for events you run at restaurants, the zoo, etc. for attendees that are members of CAM, for classes you take for fun at a community college for instance, and for any CAM team participating in the American Mensa CultureQuest®. Organized group events must be open to any CAM member and published in ChiMe. Other than CultureQuest®, only ½ the cost is eligible for funds. Find out the requirements for applying as well as accessing the online application form. All requests must be submitted before the CAM Business Meeting preceding the start of the event. Reimbursement occurs after the event or class(es) but only for approved GOBS requests; receipts and/or other documentation are required.
  • Forms: Access the online forms that enable you to submit the information about an event you’re hosting or to get reimbursed for expenses you incurred due to your involvement in CAM as an Officer or due to a request for which you volunteered. The reimbursement form must also be used for getting the GOBS funds for a previously approved GOBS request — it cannot be used in lieu of a GOBS request.
  • Mensa Connect & E-Mails: Log in and find out how easy it is to subscribe to any of our communities on Mensa Connect — join Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and communicate and interact electronically with your fellow Chicago Mensa members and officials. There are instructions and tips on how to opt-out of any community as well.
  • CAM E-Mail Alias: Get a vanity e‑mail address that redirects your e‑mail to your own inbox.
  • Our Bylaws and motions passed by the Executive Committee (formerly known as Board of Directors) (Actions Still In Effect, aka ASIEs)
  • Standing Orders: These include descriptions of responsibilities of the various elected (Executive Committee) and appointed positions within Chicago Area Mensa. All positions are held by volunteers who are current Chicago Area Mensa members. If you are interested in getting more involved, you can learn more about the various positions and see which ones are vacant by viewing our current Officers or checking the list in the latest edition of ChiMe given there are newsletter-related positions not listed on this website. Even if a position that interests is not currently open, let the LocSec know you’re interested so s/he can contact you should it become vacant in the future.
  • Approved Business Minutes from past Executive Committee meetings.
  • The Member Handbook

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