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Check this site in May for information about our 49th WeeM!

You had a great time in years past, and this year promises to be more memorable than ever.

Join the WeeM team! Contact our Chair .

Come to WeeM and Register at the Door!

Bring your Mensa number to registration to avoid paying an additional $10 and pay by check or with cash.

Registration Rates

Please note that Mensa rates assume membership in good standing. IDs will be verified on-site when you pick up your badge. The additional charge for non-Mensans or Mensans whose membership has lapsed is $10. For anyone paying this additional charge, membership forms and/or coupons for a discount on testing will be available on-site at the registration desk.

There is no charge for children age 8 and under to attend when accompanied by a registered adult; and there is a discount for attendees under 21 years of age.

If you preregistered and were paying by check, it must have been received by the appropriated deadline to qualify for a discounted rate. Otherwise you will be expected to pay any additional amount when you pick up your registration materials at WeeM.

Full (4-day) Registration

This is your best value! Enjoy four days of programming, hospitality, and fun activities hosted by Chicago Area Mensa!

Payment received by: Mensa Member
Adult (21+) Under 21 (Ages 9-20)
July 17
(Early Bird)
$80 $45
July 17 $125 $80
October 18 $135 $90
At the Door $160 $100
Add $10 to the rates above
Children (Age 8 and under)
No charge to attend. Nominal charge for babysitting (see Kids' Room). Must be accompanied by a registered adult.

Age as of October 30th

Single Day Passes

Please note that the $10 additional charge for non-members applies ONCE per person per registration. Please also note that there is no Early Bird discount for single day passes, though there was a discount for registering in advance.

Adult (21+) Rates:

Payment received by: Oct. 18 At the Door
Thursday $25 $30
Friday OR Saturday $70 $80
Sunday $10
Non-Members Add $10 to the total registration

Under 21 (Ages 9-20) Rates:

Payment received by: Oct. 18 At the Door
Thursday $20
Friday OR Saturday $45 $50
Sunday $10
Non-Members Add $10 to the total registration
Children (Age 8 and under)
No charge to attend. Nominal charge for babysitting (see Kids' Room). Must be accompanied by a registered adult.

Age as of the earliest date for which you are registering

Cancellation Policy

An 8-percent processing fee will be charged for cancellation and refund requests received by October 18th. Cancellation and refund requests received after that date will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, based on circumstance and event viability.


Please contact us  if you have any questions regarding your registration, cancellations, or these rates. Contact our WeeM Chair  if you have any questions about WeeM in general.

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