Host a CAM Event Guide
It’s easy to host an event for your fellow Mensa members and get the word out. Of course, you have to figure out what, where, and when. You’ll also have to decide if it’s going to be a virtual or in-person event. If virtual, do you want to take advantage of the CAM Discord server? Do you want people to RSVP and by when? Is there are a maximum number of attendees. Our Submissions page provides a good checklist about the information you may wish to consider when planning your event. Once you’ve figured all that out, CAM will help you promote your event on this website, in ChiMe (with enough lead time), and on Chicago Mensa Meetup.
And rest assured, your last name and contact information will not be publicly accessible, including the photo you submit to the WebDesign Team for the password-protected Activities Contact Info webpage (submitting a photo will make it easier for attendees to find you at a public venue).
What to Expect from CAM
Once the Activities Bulletin Editor receives your CAM Event Form submission, or your email (see below for specifics), your event will be added to both our website (listed on the appropriate Monthly Activities) and Meetup. If you are a Meetup member, our Meetup coördinator will designate you as the host, which will enable you to edit the event as you see fit. There is no deadline to get your event listed on Meetup and here on our website, but you do want it listed as soon as possible to give your fellow Mensa members a chance to find out about it as well giving the CAM Meetup and website volunteers some time to list your event. It may also be listed in the upcoming events emails that are sent via Mensa Connect to our group as well as being promoted on the closed CAM Facebook group.
If you happen to be planning well in advance, like April or later, and you submitted your form or sent your email before the submission deadline (the deadline for the April issue is in 11 days), your event will also be listed in our ChiMe newsletter. ( This is a requirement for GOBS-subsidized events.)
If you have a lot of information to be communicated, you may wish to submit a separate write-up of your event to our ChiMe newsletter editor in addition to the short event notice; the details about submitting it via email are on our Submissions page and the submission deadline for articles is the same as the deadline for submitting events (above), requiring you to plan well in advance.
If you have any issues with our @cumo email addresses, please bring them to the attention of our .
Planning an event can be a lot of steps, but it is pretty formulaic. Once you’ve done it a few times, it becomes second nature.
Determine what you want to do:
- Pick a date, time, event (such as a museum trip or a restaurant).
- Verify the venue is open on your preferred date.
- Find out if a reservation is needed, if a deposit is needed, and when they need a final number.
- For a restaurant, find out if separate checks are possible for a group.
Optionally, make a deposit:
- If a deposit is needed, then make it. Try to stay away from this unless you’re pre-collecting funds.
- Submit the activity information for distribution to CAM members:
- Completing the online CAM Event Form is both the easiest and preferred method. The other option is by emailing our Activities Bulletin Editor directly.
- Your description of the event will appear on this website, on Meetup, in the weekly activity emails, and in ChiMe (if submitted before the ChiMe deadline (the deadline for the April issue is in 11 days for the April issue)).
- You must include the venue’s name and location, contact information for RSVPs or questions, and, optionally, the RSVP deadline and/or information about the maximum number of attendees. Our Submissions page provides a good checklist about the information that is required as well as optional information your attendees may need to know.
- If a deposit is required, it is usually best to request payment to hold a spot. (If someone cancels, it is advisable to only refund the payments if it works out financially.)
- If payment is required, always have people contact you via email to get payment information, because that way you can be sure you don’t go over your maximum allowed.
- Optionally, should you need to cancel or change your event, email the Activities Bulletin Editor ASAP so they can update the website and Meetup and
so the weekly emails reflect your change.
- Although hosts, who are members of Meetup, can modify their Meetup event, Meetup only notifies the people who signed up on Meetup of the change. Therefore it’s important you send out the email so the website and the weekly emails reflect your cancellation or changes.
- Do not delete the event in Meetup if it was been published in ChiMe, appears on the website, or was included in the weekly emails. Deleting it causes it to disappear completely; instead cancel it so it appears in Meetup grayed and with a line through the title.
- Optionally, write an article for ChiMe:
- Write up a paragraph or two describing the event and submit it to our Editor before the ChiMe deadline. Articles often both increase interest and attendance. Supply a photo if you can.
Optionally, advertise in our CAM Facebook Group:
- Make a post about two weeks out (based on RSVP deadline if there is one) about the event or create an event in the FB Group.
As people RSVP, keep a list of who has RSVP’d.
- It really helps to maintain a list of who you're expecting.
- Expect some questions—the most common one is asking if a member can bring a guest (yes, they can).
- If needed, make a reservation before the event:
- For restaurant events, it’s usually a good idea to make the reservation at least 1-2 days in advance. For many restaurants, more lead time is needed, especially during weekends. It’s best to call early with an approximate headcount and then follow up the day before or day of and adjust the number. Don't spring a table for 12 on them!
- Have a great event!
- The host should plan on arriving around 15 minutes early so they’re there to welcome people as they arrive.
- Name badges are often a great idea—just bring the badges and a sharpie.
- Facilitate introductions and discussion—once Ms start talking, they never stop!
Events do not qualify for GOBS funds if they have not been submitted to the activities editor early enough for publication in ChiMe (the deadline for the April issue is in 11 days for April events). Also to qualify for GOBS funds, if the RSVP deadline occurs the month prior to the event, an article needs to be submitted corresponding to the month of the RSVP deadline and sent to our Editor .
If you post your event yourself on Meetup but don’t opt to have Meetup announce it immediately, or you cancel an existing event there, please notify the Activities Bulletin Editor so that this website, etc. can be updated; Meetup announces an event ~6 days prior but only notifies attendees of cancellations. Note: Do not delete the event if it appears in ChiMe or people have RSVPd; when cancelled it appears in Meetup grayed and with a line through the title.
Meetup events do not qualify for GOBS funds if they have not been submitted to the activities editor early enough for publication in ChiMe (the deadline for the April issue is in 11 days for April events). Also to qualify for GOBS funds, if the RSVP deadline occurs the during the month prior to the event, an article needs to be submitted for the ChiMe issue corresponding to the month of the RSVP deadline and sent to our Editor .
If you use Facebook to promote an event, please notify the Activities Bulletin Editor so that all CAM members know. Should you need to cancel, email the Activities Bulletin Editor so they can update the website and Meetup.
Facebook events do not qualify for GOBS funds if they have not been submitted to the activities editor early enough for publication in ChiMe (the deadline for the April issue is in 11 days for April events). Also to qualify for GOBS funds, if the RSVP deadline occurs the during the month prior to the event, an article needs to be submitted for the ChiMe issue corresponding to the month of the RSVP deadline and sent to our Editor .
Discord and/or Board Game Arena
Virtual Event
If you’d like to use Discord , Matt C.
has graciously set-up a server for CAM’s use.
To promote an event using our CAM
Discord server, just let us know the details of your event by filling out
our CAM Event Form.
Alternatively, email our Activities Bulletin Editor and include all the details about
your event. Our Submissions page
provides a good checklist about the information that is required
as well as optional information your attendees may need to know; you may wish to
specify the CAM
Discord channel in which you plan to meet.
Should you need to cancel, email the Activities Bulletin Editor so they can
update the website and Meetup.
We also recommend you use Discord for
any Board Game Arena
event if you don’t have a premium account because you can use the audio feature of Discord
to communicate with your fellow Board Game Arena
Discord Invitation Links:
If you do decide to use our CAM
Discord server, you may need to create an
Invitation Link for CAM members who have not yet used this special
Discord server — many already have via other events like HalloweeM,
the Monthly Gatherings, CAMBeer, Games & Conversation, AGOG, etc. as well as most of our gamers.
You should be able to create an invitation link by tapping/clicking on the
orientation text channel
or hovering over it and then on the icon to the right of the
orientation text channel name.
Otherwise email
the Discord team to request an Invitation Link, if needed.
Hosts will need to send out an Invitation Link to attendees not on the CAM Discord server. You may also have to send out setup instructions to attendees new to Discord.
Discord Setup Instructions:
The Discord app is available
on Google Play ,
the Apple App Store, or go to to get the app for your computer or laptop.
Open the app and register for a new account. After setting up your account, tap/click on the
Invitation Link specified by the host. Read the Code of Conduct and
tap/click on the icon at the bottom of the Code of Conduct that best describes you.
You’ll only need to do this setup once and, once completed, you will see the
icon on the
very left every time you open Discord. Just tap/click on the
to join the CAM server.
Discord provides a
Beginner’s Guide.
Matt C. has also written an
Introduction to Discord
doc, specifically for CAM members,
to help explain his set-up.
We also have a Discord FAQ page to help people
become familiar with some of the nuances including the requirement to agree to the
Code of Conduct and defining one’s push-to-talk key(s).
GOBS Trust Funds
Planning an event can be a lot of steps, but it is pretty formulaic. Once you’ve done it a few times, it becomes second nature. If you plan to take advantage of GOBS Funds to subsidize the cost of an event, or series of events, starting after our next Business Meeting (Saturday, March 22nd), you will be required to perform a few more steps than for a regular event: submit a GOBS application, collect receipts, and submit an expense reimbursement form. To qualify for GOBS funds, your activity must appear in the issue of ChiMe corresponding to the month of your event. Also, if the month of your RSVP deadline is earlier than the month of your activity, you are required to write an article. To calculate the deadlines for subsidized events, enter your event date below.
Determine what you want to do:
- Pick a date, time, event (such as a museum trip or a restaurant).
- Verify the venue is open on your preferred date.
- Find out if a reservation is needed, if a deposit is needed, and when they need a final number.
- For a restaurant, find out if separate checks are possible for a group.
Submit the online application for GOBS funds by noon the Wednesday prior to any CAM Business Meeting preceding your event (required by
Wednesday, March 19th for events occurring or having an RSVP deadline after Saturday, March 22nd and before Wednesday, December 1st—ideally all activity).
- For the Benefit to CAM, indicate that it is a social outing for CAM members.
- For the Estimated Total Cost, fill in the amount of the activity before any subsidy is applied.
- 50% is the maximum to be subsidized.
- For a meal, $20 per person is the maximum to be subsidized; $300 is the maximum subsidy for a restaurant event (i.e., one can subsidize $15pp with a maximum of 20 attendees or $20pp with a maximum of 15 attendees).
- Only one guest per CAM member qualifies.
- The GOBS Liaison will contact you if there is a problem with the request. S/he is responsible for getting it on the ExComm’s agenda.
- The ExComm will either approve it or not (usually it’s approved). The GOBS Liaison will notify you of the status.
Optionally, make a deposit:
- If a deposit is needed, then make it. Try to stay away from this unless you’re pre-collecting funds.
- Submit the activity information for distribution to CAM members:
- Completing the online CAM Event Form is both the easiest and preferred method. The other option is by emailing our Activities Bulletin Editor directly.
- Your description of the event will appear on this website, on Meetup, in the weekly activity emails, and in ChiMe (if submitted before the ChiMe deadline (the deadline for the April issue is in 11 days for the April issue)). To qualify for GOBS funds, your activity information must be included the issue of ChiMe corresponding to the month of the event.
- You must include the venue’s name and location, contact information for RSVPs or questions, and, optionally, the RSVP deadline and/or information about the maximum number of attendees. Our Submissions page provides a good checklist about the information that is required as well as optional information your attendees may need to know.
- If a deposit is required, it is usually best to request payment to hold a spot. (If someone cancels, it is advisable to only refund the payments if it works out financially.)
- If payment is required, always have people contact you via email to get payment information, because that way you can be sure you don’t go over your maximum allowed.
- Optionally, should you need to cancel or change your event, email the Activities Bulletin Editor ASAP so they can update the website and Meetup and
so the weekly emails reflect your change.
- Although hosts, who are members of Meetup, can modify their Meetup event, Meetup only notifies the people who signed up on Meetup of the change. Therefore it’s important you send out the email so the website and the weekly emails reflect your cancellation or changes.
- Do not delete the event in Meetup if it was been published in ChiMe, appears on the website, or was included in the weekly emails. Deleting it causes it to disappear completely; instead cancel it so it appears in Meetup grayed and with a line through the title.
- If your RSVP deadline occurs the month before your activity, write an article for the issue of ChiMe corresponding to your RSVP deadline month (optional if RSVP deadline month is the same as the activity month):
- Write up a paragraph or two describing the event and submit it to our Editor before the ChiMe deadline. Articles often both increase interest and attendance. Supply a photo if you can.
Optionally, advertise in our CAM Facebook Group:
- Make a post about two weeks out (based on RSVP deadline if there is one) about the event or create an event in the FB Group.
As people RSVP, keep a list of who has RSVP’d.
- It really helps to maintain a list of who you're expecting.
- Expect some questions—the most common one is asking if a member can bring a guest (yes, they can).
- If needed, make a reservation before the event:
- For restaurant events, it’s usually a good idea to make the reservation at least 1-2 days in advance. For many restaurants, more lead time is needed, especially during weekends. It’s best to call early with an approximate headcount and then follow up the day before or day of and adjust the number. Don't spring a table for 12 on them!
- Have a great event!
- The host should plan on arriving around 15 minutes early so they’re there to welcome people as they arrive.
- Name badges are often a great idea—just bring the badges and a sharpie.
- Facilitate introductions and discussion—once Ms start talking, they never stop!
- Save all receipts from the event.
- Submit an expense reimbursement form after the event, including the receipt(s) for the approved GOBS funds request within 3 months after it ends.
- submit details of your event to our Activities Editor early enough so it can be listed in the issue of the ChiMe newsletter corresponding to the month of your event and, if the RSVP deadline is in the prior month, an article to appear in the same month as your RSVP deadline to our Editor ;
- submit an expense reimbursement form after the event, including the receipt(s) for the approved GOBS funds request within 3 months after it ends.
In addition to the requirement that the event be published in ChiMe, the CAM ExComm must also approve the submitted GOBS request before the event starts which means at a monthly Business Meeting (see our Monthly Gatherings schedule); you need not be present. Occasionally the Business Meetings are held separately from the Monthly Gathering. In that case there will be an additional "Add to Google Calendar" button. If you don’t use Google, go the Monthly Activities webpage and both the GOBS deadline and the Business Meeting will be listed. Enter the date you’re planning to organize a GOBS-subsidized below to find out the deadlines.
Get All Deadlines to Qualify for GOBS Funds
Enter the date for the event you’re planning and see the amount of lead time you need to get it in ChiMe and when you must submit the actual GOBS event. Ideally, you want to get your GOBS request approved before submitting your event information for inclusion in ChiMe. Remember, earlier is always better to give everyone a chance process your submissions.