In Memoriam: Gene Edlin
Remembering longtime Mensa member Gene Edlin, who passed away January 12, 2021
From the January 17, 2021, Chicago Tribune:
Gene K. Edlin, age 90. Beloved husband of Susan, nee Berg; loving father of Abraham Edlin; devoted son of the late J.V. and Anita (Bramson) Edlin. Harvard graduate, Air Force Veteran, and practicing attorney in Chicago for over 50 years. A memorial service will be scheduled at a later date. Info Mitzvah Memorial Funerals, 630.MITZVAH
Personal Remembrances
We are sorry to report Chicago Area Mensa member Gene Edlin passed away
on Tuesday, 12 January. Many members will have known him for his involvement
with CAM from its very earliest days. He served as our second LocSec
and hosted the weekly Downtown Lunch (now the Zoom Lunch) for many years. This may be the longest
running regular event anywhere in Mensa, and we will continue it in his honor.
May his memory be for a blessing.
by Jon Gruebele

Gene Edlin