CAM Events via Discord
Check out this
EASY Discord Tutorial video on YouTube to get an idea about general features.
View the HalloweeM video to the leftabove in which
our LocSec
Beth covers many of the basics and touches on special features.
server has been customized to consider the needs of our members when viewing a MG presentation,
participating in events,
online games
or in tournaments, and interacting with others.
There is also the ability to solve a jigsaw puzzle or play trivia.
Join us and be prepared to be pleasantly surprised.
No. Simply open Discord and along the leftmost edge, click on our
CAM icon.
If you don't see the icon, you will need to use an Invitation Link.
You may have inadvertently clicked on "Leave Server"
(see below).
First we recommend you get the Discord app. Then you need to register. Make up a Discord user name, which can be obscure if you wish, enter some birth date which needn't be real but which should be more than 13 years in the past, preferably much more, and pick a password.
You only need the Invitation Link to join initially. After tapping/clicking on it,
you will be taken to our
orientation text channel in which the
Code of Conduct is displayed. To access all the channels, you must agree to it by
tapping/clicking on the emoji symbol at the end that corresponds to Your membership category:
🏙 CAM, ✈ American
Mensa Local Group (not CAM), 🛂 Mensa member outside of US, or
🤝 non-Mensan.
You’ll only need to do this setup once. Subsequently,
just fire up the Discord app, or go to the Discord website, and the
server will be shown in the leftmost column. If there isn't a long white/black line
to the left of the icon (dark/light mode), just click on the
to join again.
The Invitation Link, for anyone who hasn’t joined our customized
Discord server already, will be provided prior to any CAM event which takes place on Discord.
You can also find it on our
Contacts Info webpage as part of the Discord Team Leader’s info.
Newbies will be given a chance to familiarize themselves with the set up and to mingle and
are welcome to ask questions.
We recommend you use the app. You can use the browser version of Discord but it doesn’t have all the bells and whistles the app does. People using the Firefox or Edge browser have had lots of difficulties so if you're going to use a browser, we recommend Chrome. You need to register so make up a Discord user name, which can be obscure if you wish, enter some birth date which needn't be real but which should be more than 13 years in the past, preferably much more, and pick a password. Sign into the Discord app or browser version of Discord.
If you have the app and have never joined our CAM
server for an MG, for HalloweeM, or for events like G&C or CAMBeer, to join simply tap/click on the Invitation Link
and Discord will handle redirecting you to the app similar to Zoom. Otherwise open Discord, look for
our CAM
server on the very left, and tap/click on it to join. You will be taken to our
orientation text channel in which the
Code of Conduct is displayed. To access all the channels, you must agree to it by
tapping/clicking on the emoji symbol at the end that corresponds to Your membership category:
🏙 CAM, ✈ American
Mensa Local Group (not CAM), 🛂 Mensa member outside of US, or
🤝 non-Mensan.
For more details about the initial joining process, see below.
Click on the Invitation Link and it will open Discord in your browser. If you’ve downloaded the app, Discord will complete the process via the app similar to Zoom.
The "Welcome" screen will appear. Click on the blue "Join CAM" button.
Next the "Welcome to CAM" screen (right) will appear. You are now in the
orientation text channel
in the the
Discord server (you’ll see icon in the leftmost column).
To access the rest of the CAM channels, you must first accept the
Code of Conduct. If you agree, tap/click on
the emoji symbol at the end that best describes Your membership category:
🏙 CAM, ✈ American
Mensa Local Group (not CAM), 🛂 Mensa member outside of US,
or 🤝 non-Mensan.
After you click an emoji symbol, you’ll see a message encouraging you to visit the welcome text channel. It will give a quick overview about the setup. It also provides a link to roleypoly bot which is where you can indicate your interests and more; it opens in a browser page where you will need to register.
You only need the Invitation Link
to join initially. Subsequently, just fire up the Discord app, or go to the Discord website, and the
server will be shown in the leftmost column. If there isn't a long white/black line
to the left of the icon (dark/light mode), just click on the
to rejoin.
Layout When in a Text Channel
Discord Servers & CAM Channels
Along the very left edge, you’ll see a column showing all your Discord servers including our CAM
The second column features a dropdown labeled "Chicago Area Mensa" at the very top. It enables you to access settings like privacy, changing your photo, and notifications. ( Do not click/tap on the red "Leave Server" unless you plan to never use this server again; all your settings, like Roles, in this server will be lost.) The dropdown is followed by all the CAM channels, and then by the audio/video controls & user settings at the very bottom. You may click on any of the channels to move yourself among them to view a presentation, participate in tournaments, play online games, or just chat with other online members. Channels preceded by the are text-only channels. Channels preceded by the are both voice and/or video (see C to control your audio-visual settings). When you join a channel that allows voice or video , you will have the option of enabling video, but it will be disabled whenever you switch to a different voice channel. Audio chat is more reliable than video chat on Discord. You can see who is in any of the channels before joining one. You may be in one voice channel listening and, simultaneously, one text channel. If you open Discord on multiple devices or a browser and the app, you may then use a different text channel in each occurrence of Discord but you’ll still be restricted to one voice channel. The first channel listed is the orientation text channel. When you click on it, you’ll see our Code of Conduct. The welcome channel lists helpful information including the link to roleypoly to decorate your badge and specify your roles and interests. Under Events, you’ll see some of the event-related channels including the event-announcements (text channel), MG Speaker channel and CAMBeer channel. Under Hospitality, there are "Tables" and you can voice chat with any of the people listed or encourage people to join you at an empty one. The numbers next to the table names show you the number of people at the table as well as the maximum number of people that can be at a table. The list of channels under Games and under Tournaments is quite long out of necessity based on the requirements of those running events. You can just click on the category heading to collapse or expand the list of voice channels as desired (you can do that for any category heading). If you love games, we recommend you turn on notifications for games-night (text channel) and the game announcements channel. |
CAM Discord Member ListNote: On a tablet , you’ll need to drag the center panel all the way to the left to see the list of members or users or tap the icon on the top right.
All the CAM You can also right click on anyone else. If you’re in a text channel, by right clicking on a username and selecting "Mention", @username will be added to your message. "Add Friend" will initiate a friend request. If you click on the icon on the top just to the left of the "Search " field, it will toggle the user list to disappear or reappear. Your inbox is just to the right of the "Search " field which lists @mentions and notifications for any text channel for which you enabled notifications. |
Your Audio-Visual & User SettingsNote: On a tablet , tap on your username or on your image/video when you’re in a voice channel, and an overlay will pop up where you can access these settings. Your avatar, audio-visual controls, and user settings are located on the bottom of your screen under the list of channels. You can click to turn your microphone on or off . You may turn your speakers on or off as well. The user settings will bring up your profile and other settings; here you can change the "Appearance" to "Dark" or "Light" mode and define your push-to-talk key (required in a speaker presentation voice channel). When in a voice channel, additional controls will appear. Then you can enable your video or share your screen ( icon with arrow curving up & right). But, as noted earlier, audio chat is more reliable than video chat on Discord. Click/tap on the voice disconnect icon ( with a + next to it) to the right of the "Voice Connected" message to remove yourself from the voice channel without moving yourself to a different voice channel. If you have enabled video in a channel and you leave that channel, video will be disabled automatically. Remember to turn your microphone off or go to the Dozing on Couches channel (last channel) if you need to take a phone call or have a conversation in your physical location. Otherwise everyone in your voice channel will hear what you’re up to. You’ll also be sent to that channel after a certain amount of inactivity (15 minutes but an hour when there are presentations) in a voice channel to free up your spot. Your status is shown as part of your avatar and changes automatically based upon whether you’re logged in or active/inactive. You can also override the status manually by tapping/clicking on your avatar and chosing your status from the pop-up menu. You may also create a custome status. |
/ Text ChannelChannels preceded by or are text-only channels. In a text channel, you’ll see all the text messages people have typed and can react to them by hovering over a message and then clicking on the icons that appear to the right of the message. At the very bottom, you can type your own message. The text channels are where you’ll find announcements and you may wish to enable notifications for these channels. If the name of a text channel is highlighted, it indicates there are messages you haven’t read.
To "mention" another person in a way that stands out and draws
their attention, type an @ followed by their username. When you’ve
typed a few letters, a list of matching names will pop up and
you can click the one you want, or you can type the entire name and
press "return" to turn it into a @mention. You can go on typing your message after that.
If you hover over a text message, you’ll see icons appear to the right that let you react or reply to that particular message. |
At the very bottom of the channels, tap/click your User Settings and then tap/click on the red “Log Out” option at the bottom.
In the Android app, in the leftmost panel, tap on your profile avatar at the bottom to see the User Settings. At the top right will be a box containing an arrow pointing right (similar to this: ); this is the exit icon.
If you just want to take a break or need some privacy to talk to someone in your physical environment, simply move yourself to the Dozing on Couches channel which is the very last channel.
If you just want to disconnect from the voice channel while continuing to use the text channels, simply click/tap on the voice disconnect icon ( with a + next to it as shown in the snapshot on the left) also near the bottom of the channel list to the right of the "Voice Connected" message.
Unless you plan to never use this server again,
NEVER click/tap on
the red "Leave Server" option that appears two places:
1.) When you right-click a server icon along the left edge; and 2.) when you
expand the server dropdown menu at the very top of the channel column.
All your settings, like Roles or nickname, in this server will be lost.
"Leave Server" is actually a way to remove yourself permanently from a server and once
you do, you will not see our
CAM server
along the left edge. The only way you will be able to rejoin is with an
Invitation Link.
To the right, you’ll see the list of members. Right click on on the person you wish to send a message to and click on "Message". You may do the same if you see the member listed on the left under a channel. These are Direct Messages (DM) that are private and not viewable by anyone other than you and that particular member.
Along the left edge, if you click on the first icon at the top, you can see all text messages people have sent directly to you. You’ll see your list of friends and a list of people who have sent you direct messages (DM), which are private. There will be a number next to the icon if you have unread messages. If you click on the inbox on the upper right, you can also see all the text channels where someone @mentioned you; these are not private. It also includes notifications for any text channel for which you enabled notifications (right-click on channel name for setting notifications).
When a text channel is highlighted, it means there are new messages in that channel you haven't read.
On your left, at very bottom of the channel column, you’ll see the User Settings cog , which you would click. The "My Account" menu item should open by default. Click the blue "Edit" button.
Note: On a tablet or smart phone , tap on your avatar on the bottom left. Then tap the "My Account" menu item on the left.
At the top right edge of your current avatar, you’ll see an image icon with a + in its upper right hand corner. Click on that icon, and you’ll be able to specify the folder and filename of the image you wish to use. Click the green "Save" button to save any changes you make.
Note: On a tablet , tap on the Discord icon to get back.
Look for your username on the right or on the left. Right-click it and select "Nickname". You can
override your username on the CAM
Discord server without affecting how your username
is displayed on other Discord servers. To avoid endless questions about who you are,
we ask everyone to use their real names,
or whatever name you are widely known by at RGs and AGs. Some members also
specify their Board Game Arena
name as well.
On a tablet or phone, scroll all the way to the right and tap on your username. You’ll see Manage User and if you tap on that, the window that pops out will allow you to change your Nickname. Otherwise, to the left, above all the channels you’ll see Chicago Area Mensa, and if you tap that, you also see "Change Nickname" which you can tap and then enter your Nickname.
Right click on the channel name and one of the options is "Hide Names". When you check the box, the usernames will appear as icons.
To @mention someone specifically or a group of people with a particular role,
you can simply type an @ followed by their username or role.
After you’ve typed a few letters, a list of matching names and roles will pop up and
you can click on the one you want, or you can type the entire name or role, and
press "return" to turn it into a blue @username or @role.
You may do this multiple times to @mention
more than one individual. This works very much like or Facebook.
If you type
the complete @username or @role yourself without hitting return afterwards,
it will not turn blue and will just be
treated as part of the text ‐ the person will not be notified that s/he or they were mentioned.
Scroll down the list of channels until you see Events.
Find the MG
Speaker channel which is where the speaker is expected to be.
If the speaker is streaming a video or offering any visual aides, you will see
next to their name. Click on
to view their presentation. If you don’t see the
button, double-click on voice channel name
to see an array of everyone in the channel. Look for a screen
that looks like someone is sharing their screen and tap/click on it to make it
the largest screen shown. If you hover near the bottom right, you’ll see icons that
allow you to view the screen as a
"pop-out" or in
full screen mode.
We ask everyone to disable Video to enable more than 25 people to enter the voice channel. When in this channel, you’ll be in push-to-talk mode which means your microphone is off to avoid feedback as well as eliminate any background noise at your location. To talk you must hold down the appropriate key to enable your microphone.
If your screen is large enough to view more than one window or you have multiple monitors, there is a "pop-out" icon that appears on the lower right when you hover on the stream. Click it and the presentation will appear in a new window that you can then drag to position it on your screen so you can see it and the Discord app. You may then simultaneously listen and watch while also viewing any activity in a text channel.
At the bottom of the list of channels until you see the User Settings icon. Click/tap on the icon.
Tap/click on "Voice & Video" on the left menu. Under "Input Mode" you’ll see "Voice Activity" checked. Tap/click to select "Push to Talk". If you have a key defined, you will see it under Shortcut. If the Shortcut field is blank or if you wish to change it, tap/click the icon (when you hover over it, it changes to Start Recording if Shortcut blank or "Edit Keybind" if defined). It will change to Stop Recording. Enter the key(s) you wish to designate, like the space bar; if entering a key combination, you must hold them all down simultaneously. Then tap/click on Stop Recording.
If you wish to remain in the "Push to Talk" mode, exit the "User Settings" by tapping/clicking on the icon at the top right or use your esc(ape) key. Otherwise select "Voice Activity" before you exit.
Unless you’re in a speaker voice channel, you can easily toggle into or out of "Push to Talk" mode with a right-click of your microphone icon and changing it in the pop-up menu.
Layout When in the find-a-game Text Channel
Scroll down the list of channels until you see Games. Check out the game-night!! (announcement) text channel to see if there’s anything of interest; you may want enable notifications for this channel. Click/tap on the find-a-game text channel. You’ll see valuable, helpful information about how to participate in the various gaming possibilitites members can take advantage of. It specifies which online games require advanced registration and the links to register (as shown above); all these online games and apps are free.
Check out and use the Find Game Partners channel to find people interested in playing the same game you’re interested in and then agree on an empty voice channel to join to converse while playing. You may want to right-click on the game-announcements or game-night!! (announcement) text channels and update your "Notification Settings" to learn of any game people are organizing to start at a specific time in a specific channel. Or organize your own and post to that channel. The other game channels provide information about the game named as part of the title and if you’re interested in any of those, you may wish to update your "Notification Settings" for that channel.
The two games you can play without using an app are Trivia, by clicking/tapping on the trivia text channel, and Cards Against Humanity by clicking/tapping on the cards-against-humanity text channel.
Several games are played in a browser: jigsaw-puzzle, Euchre, and Double-Deck Cancellation Hearts (DDCH). You can solve a jigsaw puzzle by clicking/tapping on the jigsaw-puzzles channel where you see a link, which you then click/tap to solve the puzzle in your browser. Double-Deck Cancellation Hearts (DDCH) for 8 people also has a link to initiate/join the game in a browser as well as its own ddch-how-to text channel listing the instructions. In most cases there is a corresponding voice channel you may wish to join so you can talk to the people who are also solving the puzzle or playing DDCH.
in advance for Board Game Arena
to play games like 6 nimmt!, 7 Wonders,
Can’t Stop, Lost Cities, Carcassonne,
Kingdomino, Hanabi, Stone Age, Saboteur,
Spyrium, Sushi Go!, Takenoko, Dice Forge,
Seasons, and Love Letter.
Register in advance to play Codenames.
Register in advance to play Dixit.
Register in advance to play Dominion.
Register in advance to play Secret Dictator.
Register in advance to play many different games on Yucata.
Scroll down the list of channels until you see Games and click on the jigsaw-puzzles channel. Type %jigsaws and you’ll see all the puzzles in progress and chose one. Clicking on the link will open the jigsaw puzzle in a browser. "Preview" at the top will show you an image of the completed puzzle; download the image if you would like to avoid having to open it a lot especially since it obscures the puzzle. Talk to others who are also working on the puzzle by joining the Jigsaw Puzzle channel. If you leave the puzzle for a while, you’ll get a Lost connection pop-up, but it’s purely informatory — simply click on "Reconnect" when you’re ready to continue.
If you’ve finished a puzzle, enter %jigsaws finished followed by the url of the finished puzzle.
If you’re competitive, you may wish to register. It will keep track of the number of pieces you placed. Otherwise, it may reset to zero should there be an issue or you close the puzzle browser tab.
Voice Channels: If you right-click on your username, either on the right, or under the channel you are currently in, the menu includes "Move to". If you select that option, all the voice channels are listed alphabetically and if you click on one, you’ll be moved there.
On a tablet or smart phone , tap on the search icon shown under the channel column, and the "Where would you like to go?" search option appears, in which you can enter a enter the username or text channel name.
The Search field above the list of members will enable you to search both direct messages and @mentions involving a specific username. Clicking on the field will show you a list of filters you may apply to your search.
On a tablet or smart phone , if you tap the search icon shown above the member list on the far right or above the center panel, you see the "Search in CAM" option, and you’ll also see some tips to filter your search.
We have four bots on duty to help your CAM experience: roleypoly, CAMbot, TriviaBot, and ServerStats.
- You’ll encounter roleypoly during orientation. It will pop up a web browser page where you can add roles and interests to your name badge. You can revisit that page at any time via the link in the welcome channel.
- CAMbot facilitates some other functions here, one of which is described below in Hugs.
- TriviaBot can run a trivia contest for people in the bot-does-trivia channel under Games.
- The ServerStats may be of interest to anyone wishing to know the number of visitors we’ve had as well as other info.
Visit the welcome text channel. Tap/Click the link to invoke the roleypoly bot.
We suggest you set your hug dot red, yellow or green with roleypoly. You
may give or offer someone a hug by typing "%hug @username" in a
channel. As you type @username, a list of possible usernames or roles appears
that contain your letters and you can then choose one and the
@username will turn blue. Once you send
your hug, the result will depend on that person's hug dot, or lack of
If you type
the complete @username yourself without hitting return afterwards,
it will not turn into a blue @mention and just be treated as part of the text.
If you are offered a hug when your hug dot is yellow or absent, the CAMbot will mention you and the other person in a message and you may click the thumb-up or thumb-down emoji as you choose. Either way, that message will disappear so you won't leave the person hanging!
Here’s a list of commands you may use:
- %hug @username or role
sends a hug to @…
where as you type @ followed by a few letters, a pop-up list of usernames & roles will appear containing the letters and you can click on one or type it yourself, but if type it yourself, be sure to hit return afterwards to turn it into a blue @mention — otherwise it will just be treated as text. - %catfact
- %dogfact
- %8ball your question
- %roll dice
shows you the sum as well as the number for each die
where if dice = 2d6, you’ll roll 2 dice that are 6-sided. - %remindme timer text
where the format of timer is hour(s)+h+minutes+m (e.g. %remindme 16h50m Join tournament = remind me in 16 hours & 50 minutes to "Join tournament" or %remindme 10m Go to Birch = remind me in 10 minutes to …) - %reminders
to list your reminders and show you how to delete or remove any reminder(s) you created. - %wyr
poses a Would you rather question. - %advice
gives you advice. - %topic
asks an open-ended question. - %xkcd
shows you a comic strip — just try it! - %throw @username or role
throws random objects @…
where as you type @ followed by a few letters, a pop-up list of usernames & roles will appear containing your letters and you can click on one or type it yourself, but if type it yourself, be sure to hit return afterwards to turn it into a blue @mention — otherwise it will just be treated as text.
When you first join, you must agree to the posted Code of Conduct to be able to view all of the channels, interact with online members, etc. The Code of Conduct will be permanently posted in the orientation text channel.
If you encounter violations, you may report them to the @WhiteHats via a mention or you can privately message anyone listed under the WHITEHAT role (under the list of usernamers on the right) by right-clicking/long tapping on their username. Someone will get back to you.
Locate the name of the person whose voice seems to be loud or soft in your current voice channel and right click on their name. You’ll see a user volume slider. Adjust as needed. You can even mute them if you don’t wish to hear what they have to say, but, like blocking someone on Facebook, the conversation may then sound weird as other people continue to interact with that person and you have no idea about the context.
After 15 minutes to an hour (when watching speakers) of inactivity, you will be sent there to free up space for others in the voice channel in which you were in. In this channel, your microphone and speakers will be automatically muted and of course your video feed, if enabled, will be disabled. You may also end up there if someone moved you there because the background noise in your physical environment was disruptive and you weren’t responding to requests to mute yourself.
You should also go there of your own accord if you’re planning to take a break or you can tap/click on the voice disconnect icon ( with a + next to it) near the bottom of the channel list to the right of the "Voice Connected" message.
Yes. In a text channel,
mention @WhiteHats.
Everyone with a @WhiteHats role will be alerted.
Or you can privately message
members listed appearing lighter than others (under the list of
member on the right) by right-clicking/long tapping on their username — you may want to
verify their Roles to make sure they are a WhiteHat.
You can expect someone to get back to you. Steps will be taken based upon
the severity and frequency of the infraction(s).
If you type
the complete @WhiteHats yourself without hitting
return afterwards,
it will not turn into a blue @mention
and just be treated as part of the text.