In Memoriam: Judith Beth Perlman
Remembering longtime Mensa member Judith Perlman, who was born on June 2, 1953 and passed away May 2, 2022 (in her own words).
She was a respiratory-therapy technician, a printer, a proof-reader, a computer geek, a long-time member of Chicago Area Mensa, a 26 year employee of the State of Illinois, a minister of the Universal Life Church, a lover of the English language, a grammarian and a survivor of more things than you can shake a stick at.
She studied Improv Theater, and was a two-time Graduate of the Players’ Workshop (once under Second City, again as Players’ Workshop Chicago). She was an ally and a mule-decade survivor of cancer.
She is preceded in death by her second husband, Clark Richard Williamson, and their youngest daughter, Rebecca Rice Williamson.
She is survived by her partner, Phillip A. Johnson, her daughter, Dara Williamson (William Holmblad Jr), her sister Janice HP Ziv (John), and her brother Edward (Julie).
She asks that you choose joy.

Judith Beth Perlman