Get your scores evaluated for free if you pay your dues through March 31, 2026!
Through the end of March, you can submit your score from any of 200+ IQ tests that American Mensa accepts for admission.

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Mensa Testing

Chicago Area Mensa regularly offers proctored test sessions for admission to the organization for a testing fee of $60.00. The test is offered for the convenience of those individuals interested in joining Mensa who are age 14 or older and either

  1. do not have a qualifying intelligence test score on a previously-taken exam (see prior evidence for more information), or
  2. prefer to take the admissions test.

Please see the bottom of this page if you are not a native English speaker or for other special cases such as impaired vision or hearing.

There's no way to study for the Mensa admission tests. You will be tested on logic, English vocabulary, and deductive reasoning. All materials will be provided; no calculators or mechanical devices will be allowed. Our proctors are current members of Mensa and are specially certified volunteers.

An optional at-home practice test is available for $9.99. Click/Tap here to be taken to the online purchase page. You may also try the Mensa Workout quiz for fun.

Testing Coordinator

Individuals interested in taking the test should contact our Testing Coordinator, Marco Krcatovich II. Contact him via email at . Although walk-ins are welcome at most testing sites if spaces remain, you must contact the Testing Coordinator in advance:

  • to pre-register to take the test at some locations (as noted below),
  • to guarantee a seat for a given session,
  • if you will be 14 to 17 years of age on the test date,
  • if you are a non-standard test candidate,
  • or for any other special situations.

Testing Sessions

There are testing sessions held at a couple of locations throughout the Chicago metro area each month- a current list is below. Testing sessions last approximately 2 hours and are open to applicants 14 years of age and older.

Individuals over 14 but under 18 MUST have written parental or guardian permission; inquire well in advance about our procedures. All sessions are subject to change or cancellation based on lack of attendance or unavailability of a proctor.

To pre-register for any of the following sessions, please use the email link shown specifying the site/date you want below. You will receive a confirmation email with full site-specific details.

While some sites accept on-site registration, not all do. Please pay attention to those instructions. At sites that allow for on-site registration, you can do so using credit/debit cards, checks, and money orders (but not cash or mobile payments!) we encourage the use of prepaid testing. (Again, some sites below can ONLY accept vouchers!) You can visit the American Mensa website to click on the "Pre-purchase testing" link to get started. Proctors accept a printout of your prepayment receipt at the session. The vouchers are the equivalent of cash, can only be used once, and expire after 24 months or as indicated. They are valid at any American Mensa test site.
If vouchers are presented during a reduced-rate testing promotion, the remaining funds will be applied to your membership dues if you qualify; otherwise, they will be refunded upon written request.


Downtown Chicago, IL
River North neighborhood

Very limited seating; ALL candidates must preregister and prepurchase testing!
Parking nearby is very expensive; public transit strongly recommended. Address information will be provided to those who register. Latecomers will not be admitted. No walk-ins.

Pre-register  to register for this session (registration required). Please specify date in your email.

  • Wednesday, April 16, at 6 PM. (Must arrive before 6 PM to be admitted!)

Rolling Meadows, IL
Community Center
3705 Pheasant Drive in Rolling Meadows

Our primary testing site. Walk-ins will be accommodated on a first-come, first-served basis if space permits.

Preregister  to guarantee a seat for a given session — please specify date.

  • Saturday, March 22, at 5 PM.
  • Saturday, April 19, at 5 PM.
  • Saturday, May 17, at 5 PM.
  • Saturday, June 21, at 5 PM.
  • Saturday, July 19, at 5 PM.
  • Saturday, August 23, at 5 PM.
  • Saturday, September 27, at 5 PM.
  • Saturday, December 6, at 5 PM.

Wheeling, IL
Westin Chicago North Shore
601 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Wheeling

Walk-ins will be accommodated on a first-come, first-served basis if space permits.

Preregister  to guarantee a seat for a given session — please specify date.

  • Sunday, November 2, at 2 PM.

Non-Language Based Tests

At the present time American Mensa does not offer testing for individuals who do not speak English as their primary language, have dyslexia, or have timed test anxiety. We hope to accomodate these needs sometime in future years. None of our tests are appropriate for sight-impaired, hearing-impaired, or severely disabled people.

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