Vote for the 2025 Executive Committee

See the list of candidates and their statements, if submitted. Their statements will also be printed in the April issue of ChiMe.
- Electronically
- By Mail
- In Person
- By Messenger
- Electronically - Starting April 1st. The deadline is at or before 7 PM on Saturday, April 19th.
- By Mail - Starting April 1st. The deadline is at or before midnight on Friday, April 18th so make sure you mail your ballot at least 5 business days prior.
- In Person - At the Monthly Gathering on Saturday, April 19th between 6:30 PM and 8 PM. See the Monthly Gathering webpage for the location and directions.
- By Messenger - The person to whom you entrust your paper ballot may drop it off at the Monthly Gathering on Saturday, April 19th between 6:30 PM and 8 PM. See the Monthly Gathering webpage for the location and directions.
If you’re not attending April’s Monthly Gathering on Saturday, April 19th, please cast your vote electronically using our online form at or before 7 PM on Saturday, April 19th. If you prefer a paper ballot, mail it so it is received by Friday, April 18th or give it to a trusted messenger who can drop it into the ballot box at the Monthly Gathering. The link to both the online and paper ballots as well as the instructions will be available to members on our website no later than Tuesday, April 1st. We intend to also send the link and instructions via email to members who have allowed their email to be shared with the local group (if you get the weekly event email, you have shared your email).
In the case multiple ballots are received from a member, only the most recently received ballot will count. For mailed ballots, the postmark will be used as the date of submittal.
The results will be announced sometime after in-person voting closes at the April Monthly Gathering. The results will be available on the website a few days later and in the June issue of ChiMe. Our Officers webpage will reflect the new ExComm members as of May 1st, the first day of their term.
Official Instructions
The Election Notice can be found in Appendix B of CAM’s Standing Orders.
Vote for the CAM 2023 Proposed New Bylaws

Visit the CAM 2023 Proposed New Bylaws webpage to review the new proposed bylaws, to understand why the current bylaws need to be changed, and to see the differences between the current version and the new version. The proposed bylaws were also printed in the March ChiMe
- Electronically
- By Mail
- In Person
- By Messenger
- Electronically - Starting April 1st. The deadline is Thursday, June 29th.
- By Mail - Starting April 1st. The deadline is Thursday, June 29th so make sure you mail your ballot at least 5 business days prior. If you plan to mail your Election ballot (election deadline is Friday, April 18th), you may include the Bylaws ballot in the same envelope.
- In Person - At the Monthly Gathering on Tuesday, November 30th between 6:30 PM and 8 PM. See the Monthly Gathering webpage for the location and directions. You may also deliver your bylaws ballot to a member of the election procedures committee at the May or June Monthly Gatherings.
- By Messenger - The person to whom you entrust with the envelope containing your paper ballot may drop it off at the Monthly Gathering on Tuesday, November 30th between 6:30 PM and 8 PM. See the Monthly Gathering webpage for the location and directions. S/he may also deliver the envelope containing your bylaws ballot to a member of the election procedures committee at the May or June Monthly Gatherings.
If you’re not attending April’s Monthly Gathering on Saturday, April 19th, cast your vote electronically using our online form by Thursday, June 29th or mail your paper vote so it is received by Thursday, June 29th. You may also deliver your paper bylaws ballot to a member of the election procedures committee at the May or June Monthly Gatherings, in-person or by messenger. The link to both the online ballot and the instructions will be available to members on our website no later than Tuesday, April 1st. We intend to also send the link and instructions via email to members who have allowed their email to be shared with the local group (if you get the weekly event email, you have shared your email).
In the case multiple ballots are received from a member, only the most recently received ballot will count. For mailed ballots, the postmark will be used as the date of submittal. Note: In-person ballots count as being received last, even if another ballot is received later by different means.
The Election Procedures Committee will certify the results of the referendum to the membership in the August 2023 issue of ChiMe. The results will be available on the website once the Election Procedures Committee shares its results.
If you have questions, about voting, please contact Deb Johnston , our Election Procedures Committee Chair.