Letter Sum #8

Rating: hard


Each letter in the given sum represents a different digit (0-9). Figure out which letter represents which digit so that the given addition is correct. No number is written with 0 as its first digit.

When my friend Andre took the Mensa test on a dare, he was shocked to be faced with the following cryptosum:

  M E N S A
+ D A R E D

  A N D R E

Andre wasn't up to the challenge. Are you?

(If you need an explanation, look at the solution to one of the earlier puzzles: #2 (easy) or #4 (hard).)

  M E N S A
+ D A R E D

  A N D R E
  2 3 1 0 8
+ 5 8 4 3 5

  8 1 5 4 3

Andre wasn't up to the challenge. Were you?

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