Website Volunteers

Chicago Area Mensa would like to thank THANKS its many volunteers. Without them, we could not bring to you the services that we are now providing. It is due to their dedication and effort, CAM has been the recipient of numerous ACE & PRP Owl Awards including the 2018 ACE Gold Award. Our current Web Design team includes:
Matt Crawford
- Stepping on browser bugs with pointy boots
Stacey Kirsch
- In Memoriam
- Gifted Children pages and resource links
Marco Krcatovich
Barb Pohl
- Webmaster (Position Description)
- Events pages
- WeeM Photos
- Cheap Eats archives
- Feature Photos
- Membership Information
- Service Awards
- Members E-Mail Services instruction page
- HalloweeM
- Volunteers page
- List of Available ChiMes (How to Maintain)
- Main pages, menus, RGs, etc.
- Officers
- Past Officers
- Business Meeting Minutes (How to Maintain)
- How to Update Officers
- Troubleshooting
If you have an issue or question not related to the website, please refer it to the appropriate CAM Officer (officers are also listed in the latest issue of ChiMe). The web team (listed on this page) is only responsible for the website itself. E-mail the Websters about issues with the site or if you'd like to volunteer to be a Webster (you must be a member of Chicago Area Mensa). Also, if your name appears on this page and you no longer wish to maintain one or more of the pages for which you are responsible, please send out an e-mail to your fellow websters letting them know. Or if you notice information is really out-of-date and you wish to maintain it, please do so and let the team know.
Standards, guidelines, procedures, boilerplates, tips, and help for the website volunteers are over there in the members-only area. If you are thinking about volunteering, you are also welcome to check it out!