The organizers of the events listed on this calendar have expressed willingness for members elsewhere in the world to join in. Please don’t give them a bigger crowd than they can handle, and do be careful about time zones. The displayed time zone is GMT! If you add them to your own calendar, the time zone should convert to your specified time zone.

To have your virtual event added to this calendar, contact Matt C., the CAM International Calendar contact.

There may be other virtual events, as well as in-person events, which may be of interest to CAM members, hosted by various local groups listed on the American Mensa Calendar of Events.

1/ Tues­day

  • ChiMe Activity Bulletin and Ad­ver­tising Deadlines. Last day for these submissions to the November ChiMe. Interested in organizing and hosting a virtual or in-person event? Find out how by checking out our guide to hosting events.

  • ChiMe Editorial Deadline. Last day for editorial submissions to the November ChiMe. Please submit original ar­ticles, insights, puzzles, brain teasers, or short poems. Your fellow Chicago Area Mensa members would love to hear from you.

  • Zoom Lunch 1 PM. Perhaps the longest running Mensa event anywhere, Chicago’s Zoom Lunch (formerly known as the Downtown Lunch) is held every week, alternating between Tuesday and Thursday. Join us for conversation, laughs, and attempts to define words you’ll never use again. The Zoom id is 836 1178 6315 and the passcode is 190710; it is also included as part of your host Jon G.’s contact information if you prefer a link. Questions? Contact Jon via email or call/text him. You may also RSVP via Meetup. We’d love to have you join us!
    Virtual Event!!

logo 2024Theme

October 31 – November 3, 2024

Only 107 more days! Join us for a fun, long weekend with hundreds of Mensans, their families, and friends at the Westin in Wheeling including lots of programs and games as well as most meals. Register Now! (Rates increase after Wednesday, July 17th.) Book your room by October 17th.

2/ Wednes­day

  • rosh

    Rosh Hashanah starts at sundown.

3/ Thurs­day

  • Conversation with London Mensans 8 AM. Join a video chat with our kin from across the big pond in London at 2 PM BDT. I [Carey] participated previously, along with a few other CAM members, and had a very nice chat with some of our “siblings” in the London area. RSVP (via Meetup preferred) to local host Carey S. to receive the Zoom sign-in information. The London host is Ian David Moseley.
    Virtual Event!!

9/ Wednes­day

RSVP for Northern Exposure no later than 10 AM. RSVP via Meetup preferred.

  • Northern Ex­po­sure Dinner 6:45 PM. ZIP code fall within the Arctic Circle? Then you should have dinner with us. Join us for dinner at a venue TBD in Lake County. Please RSVP on Meetup or via Janice’s email,  , so she can reserve a big enough table.

10/ Thurs­day

11/ Fri­day

  • Rock­ford-Area Dinner 6:30 PM. Join Dave and other Rockford-Area Mensans for dinner at the Thunder Bay Grille lo­cated at 7652 Potawatomi Trail in Rockford (NE corner of State St. and Bell School Rd., in front of the Holiday Inn). To RSVP , for more information, or to get on our email list, contact Dave L., our Rockford-Area Coördinator. RSVP required in case of cancellation, time, or venue change. Do not RSVP via Meetup. This event is usually recurs on the second Friday of the month.

  • Poetry Dis­cus­sion 7:30 PM. Our poetry group is using Zoom for meetings. Please send a poem or two to Joe D. by Friday, October 11th. Interested persons who are not currently members of the poetry group can contact Joe D. , and he will email the poems to be discussed. Contact Bill K. for the Zoom links or any help you might need. Do NOT RSVP via Meetup. This event is usually held on the evening of the second Friday of the month.
    Virtual Event!!

14/ Mon­day

  • columbus

    Indigenous People Day
    Columbus Day

    (Federal Holiday).
    The actual day that Columbus reached land in North America was the 12th.

15/ Tues­day

17/ Thurs­day

  • WeeM 48: Road Trippin’ Hotel Discount Deadline! Today is the last day you can book a hotel room at the WeeM discount rate of $129 at the Chicago North Shore Westin in Wheeling. So book now while this great rate is still available.

18/ Fri­day

  • WeeM 48: Road Trippin’ Preregistration Deadline Alert! Join the fun at WeeM at the Chicago North Shore Westin in Wheeling starting Thursday, October 31st through Sunday, November 3rd. Friday, October 18th is the last day you can preregister for WeeM and qualify for the early bird WeeM discount. Preregistering means you won’t have to fill out any forms at registration, you’ll get a pre-printed badge, and you can pay via PayPal. And best of all, it’ll be much quicker to get your registration packet when you arrive. Also, if you’re paying by check, it must be received no later than today

19/ Satur­day

  • Conserv­atives Lunch 11:30 AM. Join other members of the Mensan cell of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy for lunch and civilized un-PC conversation. No forbidden questions, no unchallengeable answers. This lunch happens on the third Saturday every month, but the location changes and can’t always be determined in time to make the ChiMe schedule. If you’re curious about the location at this month’s meeting place, email Jim Z. the event coör­di­na­tor. You may also RSVP via Meetup. Open to non-Mensans; bring a curious friend.

  • Beverly Area Saturday Salon (B.A.S.S.) ~Noon. Spontaneous conversation in far SSW Chicago, approx­i­mate vicinity of 107th St. & Western Ave. Please contact Rick E. the Beverly Area Coördinator, for this month’s lo­ca­tion and the exact time as well as more information; if emailing, put “BASS” in the subject line. This event usually recurs on the 3rd Saturday of the month, about midday.

21/ Mon­day

  • Irish Mensa Lecture and Discussion: Tatoos 1 PM. Irish Mensa meets virtually on the third Monday of each month at 7 PM Irish Time; a discussion then follows the lecture.

    Tattoos are one of the 'distinguishing marks' specified in police descriptions, and long recorded on British passports. They have also often been seen as a form of writing on the body that conveys deeper messages about the bearer’s identity, especially for criminals.

    This lecture will discuss the original debates about the tattoo as a sign of criminal identity among 19th century European police and criminal anthropologists. It will conclude the series with some final reflections on the subjective and objective dimensions of identity and identification covered by these lectures.

    Professor Jane Caplan is Visiting Professor at Birkbeck, University of London, and Emeritus Fellow at St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford. She is a world-renowned historian specialising in Nazi Germany and the history of the documentation of individual identity.

    For the full write-up and to join, visit the American Mensa event. One does not have to register for the event — simply click on the Zoom link at the appropriate date and time.
    Virtual Event!!

23/ Wednes­day

  • mole

    Mole Day
    Avogadro’s Number (6.02 × 1023)

22/ Tues­day

  • Break­fast in Mount Pros­pect 10 AM. Breakfast or lunch and conversation at Jelly Café lo­cated at 1784 W. Golf Rd. in Mount Pros­pect (northwest corner of Golf Rd. and Busse Hwy.), featuring a large and diverse menu. Sepa­rate checks are available. Use Meetup, but if not on Meetup, RSVP to Ken L. via email. If you RSVP by email, your reservation is not confirmed until you receive a confirmation email.

24/ Thurs­day

27/ Sun­day

  • Theodore Talk: Above and Beyond: The James Webb Space Telescope 2:30 PM. The James Webb Space Telescope, successor to the Hubble Space Telescope, is the largest space telescope ever constructed and is giving humanity its first high-definition view of the infrared universe. The JWST is observing early epochs of the universe, revealing how its galaxies and structure have evolved over cosmic time, exploring how stars and planetary systems form and evolve, and is searching exoplanet atmospheres for evidence of life.

    Goddard Space Flight Center astrophysicist Matt Greenhouse has served on the James Webb Space Telescope senior staff as Project Scientist for the science instrument payload since 1997. He will discuss the science instrument payload package, which includes four sensor systems that provide imagery, coronagraphy, and spectroscopy over the near- and mid-infrared spectrum, and how these instruments are being used to accomplish the JWST mission and goals.

    Greenhouse is the recipient of more than 20 individual performance awards and honors, including the NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal and the Robert H. Goddard award for Exceptional Achievement in Science. See the full write-up and find contact info on the American Mensa Events website. Even if you can’t attend the live talk, as long as you register you will receive a link to a recording of the event. Closed captioning enabled.
    Virtual Event!!

29/ Tues­day

30/ Wednes­day

  • GOBS Request Deadline Noon. Today is the last day to submit a request for GOBS funds to be approved at this Sunday’s Business Meeting for any planned, eligible event, activity, or class taking place after Sunday, November 3rd and through Sunday, November 3rd or later; to be eligible, events involving CAM members must be published in the issue of ChiMe corresponding to the month in which they occur. For CAM events, it’s recommended you submit the GOBS request and get it approved before submitting your event information for publication in ChiMe — so no later than today for events planned for January. January events need to be submitted by the 1st of November to the activities editor to be included in the January ChiMe. An article must be featured in the January ChiMe for GOBS-subsidized February events with an RSVP deadline in January (same 1st of November deadline but article emailed to the editor; see editorial deadline).

31/ Thurs­day

  • HalloweeM 48: Road Trippin’ Starts! WeeM officially starts at 5 PM when you can pick up your registration information (but please come earlier if you want to help out with the setup—we need you). You can still register at the door if you chose not to preregister. The Games room opens earlier than registration, usually ~4 PM, based upon availability. Enjoy dinner, our program, tournaments, and more. Check out the PAAG (when it becomes available) for the starting times of today’s events. Donate books and media to the book sale at WeeM. Also, please consider donating an hour or two of your time — it’s the volunteers that make this RG so great. For those arriving early and interested in visiting some local sites — check out Things to Do Nearby. This year, all roads lead to HalloweeM!


* * * * *

1 November/ Fri­day

  • clock

    Daylight Saving Time ends at 2 AM. Remember to reset your clocks back and sleep a bit longer.

  • ChiMe Activ­ity Bulletin and Ad­vertising Dead­lines. Last day for these submissions to the December ChiMe. Interested in organizing and hosting a virtual or in-person event? There’s bound to be an activity or a restaurant you want to try, but you just want some other people to experience it with you. So invite your fellow Mensans. Find out how by visiting our guide to hosting events.

  • ChiMe Editorial Dead­line. Last day for editorial submissions to the December ChiMe. Please submit original ar­ticles, insights, puzzles, brain teasers, photographs, or short poems. Your fellow Chicago Area Mensa members would love to hear from you.

  • HalloweeM 48: Road Trippin’ Continues! all day. It’s Halloween weekend and you want to dress up and go to a party tonight, or you just want to pretend to be someone else for the night. This is a fun opportunity to attend the largest Halloween party by coming to the RG today. See great costumes, participate in the contest (best & worst pun, traditional, best group, best theme-related, etc.), enjoy a delicious meal, imbibe if you like, meet Mensans from all over the world, and dance the night away. It’s the perfect party, so preregister today!

Activities Bulletin
October 2024 (Tentative)

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27 28 29 30 31    

RSVPs - Always contact the CAM event host as specified in the event details — email , phone , text , or Meetup .


Chicago Mensa Meetup - All our events are listed; see who signed up, get notifications, and add the event(s) to your personal calendar. Check out the October calendar.


Chicago Mensa Meetup - All our events are listed; see who signed up, get notifications, and add the event(s) to your personal calendar. Check out the October calendar.

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