
Exhausted? Stressed? Worn out from your travels? There will be two massage therapists to do chair massages in the Vendor area during WeeM. Cash only, $20 for a 15 minute chair massage. Sign-up recommended.
Book Sale
Per tradition, we will feature a book and media sale at HalloweeM. Proceeds from this sale go to philanthropic concerns, with a portion benefitting a charity TBA. You can donate your new and used books or media directly at WeeM as well as lined notebooks (small or standard size), spiral notepads, pencils (individually or in boxes), crayons (8 count boxes or larger); bring your donation to the Book Sale area (inside Ravinia, toward the back) at any time on Thursday or Friday. We will gladly accept books of any genre (children's, art, science, math, history, mystery, puzzles and games, cookbooks, romance, fiction, SF and fantasy, non-fiction, religion, occult, biographies, self-help, reference, materials of an adult nature, etc.), along with cassettes (audio and/or video), CDs, DVDs, video games, and books on tape/CD. Most items will be sold for a few dollars or less, so this is a great opportunity to expand your collection!
Please note that we will not accept magazines, vinyl (records), outdated textbooks, or "white elephant" items; any donated items fitting these descriptions will be discarded. Any materials that are not purchased by the end of the gathering will be donated to local libraries, schools, and/or charities as the organizers see fit.
Off-Site Shopping
There are several malls within a short drive of the Westin. There's no notable shopping center within walking distance.