
Program Details 2024*


So You Want To Be An Investigator?'


Previous Mensa audiences have assisted in “So You Want To Be An Investigator” sessions. A critical break in one cold case homicide investigation came from an AG audience participant. Can we do it again? Cookie, a licensed PI, always has a dozen open cases at any given time. This is an interactive presentation where audience participation is both encouraged and welcomed. Her cases are real, photos are graphic/disturbing and the stakes are high. Adults only, please.

Must be 21 years of age or older.

Presenter’s Name

Cookie Bakke

Presenter’s Website


Presenter’s Bio

Cookie is an actively licensed Private Investigator, global speaker/instructor/ investigative journalist, expert witness and victim advocate with an emphasis on crime and fraud. She's a mixture of Columbo, Magnum PI and Monk — with a heavy sprinkling of Remington Steele. From cold case homicides, to deadly romance scams, to organized crime, to insurance/financial schemes.

*Note: This program was offered last year and may or may not be offered again this year.

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