
Program Details 2023*


Meet Your National Board of Directors (AMC)


Jon Gruebele, your Regional Vice Chair 4, will moderate a discussion with the American Mensa Board of Directors (AMC) and Mensa Foundation trustees attending 'WeeM. We'll be happy to entertain your questions, comments, ideas, complaints, suggestions, challenges, and whatever else you'd like to address. The discussion is always interesting — please join us!

Presenter’s Name

Jon Gruebele

Presenter’s Bio

Jon is serving his third term as American Mensa Regional Vice Chair 4. He's a former LocSec, longtime Proctor, and a Life Member. He has co-chaired Chicago Area Mensa's "A Gathering of Gamers" (AGOG) RG and chairs the American Mensa Strategic Planning Committee. His background is in international marketing, IT, and management. He is an expert in process and quality improvement.

*Note: This program was offered last year and may or may not be offered again this year.

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