Program Details*
Pub Trivia
Compete for bragging rights and meaningless trinkets in this pub style quiz!Teams of up to 5 people answer questions on a variety of topics in hopes of emerging victorious at the end!NOTE: this quiz is mostly harmless, but there may be some mature content.PLEASE arrive 10-15 minutes before start time to get registered (one smartphone per team required to play). This is pub trivia, so bring your beverage of choice with you. No children under 13, please.
Presenter’s Name
Kenya Zarns
Presenter’s Bio
Kenya is an experienced mobile DJ, with a side career that started promisingly many years ago before spiraling down to DJ'ing Mensa dances.She is eminently and definitively unqualified to host pub trivia, but the National Office let her run CultureQuest, so we said what the hell. Try to humor her; it makes her smile.
*Note: The information above is a draft provided by the presenter and may be different in the HalloweeM Program Booklet.
Saturday at 12:30 PM in Michigan B
†Note: The date, time & location listed in our PAAG (when it becomes available) supersedes the date, time & location listed here, if different. The hotel layout for HalloweeM can be found here.