Program Details 2023*


What's all this talk about Presidential Erections? ... um, that's 'Elections'. And other strange nooks and crannies of US history


Just when you thought it might be safe to go back on social media, along comes another Presidential Election cycle. And if this one is shaping up as something strange, you should see some of the past ones. Oh, and some other odds and ends from US history

Presenter’s Name

EJ Boris

Presenter’s Bio

Didn't we go to one of his talks a couple of years ago? Something about the Kings and Queens of England, wasn't it? Or was it the US Trivia and Trick Questions. Or the War of the Roses; or was it the one about English Titles? Or that astronomy one. Anyway, it was pretty good. Let's try this one.

*Note: This program was offered last year and may or may not be offered again this year.

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