Program Details 2023*


Travel to Extreme Latitudes: The Geographic North and South Poles


Ken, who traveled to Antarctica four times, was determined to reach the Geographic South Pole on his second trip. Although tens of thousands of tourists visit Antarctica each year, very few have reached the Pole. Per Adventure Network International (ANI), only 496 did so as of January 2003. According to ANI, Ken was number 491. About 20 months later Ken traveled to the North Pole. This lecture will describe his adventures and hardships and will discuss the historic explorers that preceded him. Learn what it was like to travel to the Poles as a tourist.

Presenter’s Name

Ken Levine

Presenter’s Bio

Ken first went to Antarctica in 2001 and subsequently developed a passion for the history of polar exploration. He has been to the Antarctic four times, south of the Antarctic Circle twice, and north of the Arctic Circle four times. He has examined polar artifacts and museum exhibits in England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Norway, Chile, Australia and New Zealand. He has an extensive library of books and videos of polar history. Ken loves to share his experiences and knowledge.

*Note: This program was offered last year and may or may not be offered again this year.

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