Program Details 2023*


How to Survive an Eye Exam


Join Dr. Debbie Hettler on an ocular journey! Debbie is an eye doctor who is excited to explain the specifics of (1) why certain testing is done during an eye examination, (2) what those tests mean as well, as well as (3) how to best prepare for an eye exam as a patient. What questions should you ask, what should you bring with you, how should you prepare and what should you expect during a good examination? What is it that the doctor is seeing when they shine all those annoying bright lights into your eyes? Why are they asking those questions? Why should you go through all of this?

Presenter’s Name

Debbie Hettler

Presenter’s Website

Presenter’s Bio

Dr. Debbie Hettler holds a B.S and O.D from The Ohio State University College of Optometry and an MPH from University of Illinois. Her professional practice experience includes optometric education, clinical practice in HMOs, and the VA as well as quality assurance activities. She has also worked in Washington DC with rotations through the IRS and as a Presidential Management Council Cohort member. She is currently an Optometrist for the VA and has over 100 scientific presentations.

*Note: This program was offered last year and may or may not be offered again this year.

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