Program Details*


Travel to Extreme Latitudes: The North and South Geographic


Learn about the experiences of traveling to the most remote places on Earth. Learn some history of the early explorers and their attempts to reach these locations. Everyone's experience may differ.

After this lecture and after all questions and answers, time permitting, there might be a short presentation of Penguins of the Antarctic.

Presenter’s Name

Ken Levine

Presenter’s Bio

Ken, an extensive traveler, has been to over 80 countries and to 7 continents including 4 trips to Antarctica. He has been above the Arctic circle 4 times and below the Antarctic circle twice. He has an extensive library about polar explorers and has visited museums and polar exhibits in England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Norway, Argentina, Chile, Australia and New Zealand. He wants to share his experiences in being a tourist at the most extreme latitudes.

*Note: The information above is a draft provided by the presenter and may be different in the HalloweeM Program Booklet.


Saturday at 4 PM in Birch

Note: The date, time & location listed in our PAAG (when it becomes available) supersedes the date, time & location listed here, if different. The hotel layout for HalloweeM can be found here.

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