Program Details 2023*


Gandalf and Aslan on the Silver Screen


What would Tolkien and Lewis think about movies adapted from their works? Crystal, a specialist on film adaptation, and David, a specialist on Lewis and Tolkien, will seek to answer this question while showing clips from various adaptations over the past 40 years.

Presenter’s Name

Crystal Downing

Presenter’s Website

Presenter’s Bio

Drs. Crystal and David Downing co-direct the Marion E. Wade Center, the world's most comprehensive archive of materials related to CS Lewis, Tolkien, and Dorothy L. Sayers. Crystal's fourth book, Salvation from Cinema, is studied in universities across the nation, and her fifth book, on Sayers, was a Publishers Weekly Pick of the Week. The author of ten books, David's recent work on Lewis was a NY Times Bestseller.

*Note: This program was offered last year and may or may not be offered again this year.

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