
Program Details 2024*


The Isle Where Fairies Still Roam


There is a place, where the bus driver reminds you to greet the fairies when crossing a bridge on a major road. That place is the unique Isle of Man, originally the home of a Sea God and fairy folk. Folklore is so a part of the culture that a field guide to 343 sites over the 221 square miles of the Isle has just been published. Hear tales of merfolk, witches, a talking mongoose and scary bugganes.

Presenter’s Name

Margie Martinson

Presenter’s Bio

Margie Martinson is a professional Dungeon Master and former Naturalist. She is also a member of the Chicago, the North American, and the World societies for people from the Isle of Man.

*Note: This program was offered last year and may or may not be offered again this year.

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