Program Details 2024*
The State of Shapes; or rather, The Shape of States
C’mon, …him… again? So what is he babbling about this time? Ya, when a state becomes a state, it is the shape it is. Does he think they can just change their shape — like Clayface or Loki? Let’s see what he has to say. Think he might throw in some other odds and ends from US history?
Presenter’s Name
Presenter’s Bio
Filled with a variety of fascinating and utter useless information. Speaker at Hyde Park, London; Red Square, Moscow; Tienanmen Square, Beijing; and The Domain, Sydney.Best Actor award. Can sing five national anthems and hum three more. (Really, does it matter, as long the program sounds good, and is entertaining?)
*Note: This program was offered last year and may or may not be offered again this year.