
Program Details 2023*


Sing-Along/Karaoke with Mr. (Jedi Master) Mensa ‘16


Do you like music? Do you like performing? Listening to it? “Jedi Master (Mr.) Mensa ‘16 has served as communications officer locally and on the AMC, hosted Colloquium and the Misster Mensa pageant multiple times, but his true passion is Music. And his first ever volunteer gig for Mensa was to host a sing-along. He thought he was volunteering to help host, but then realized we would help BY hosting. Come sing, play an instrument, or just listen to a professional who was most recently a featured soloist for the Burning Man “playa choir” take on the role of human jukebox and/or karaoke machine!

Presenter’s Name

Tommy Ryan

Presenter’s Bio

Misster Mensa AKA Jedi Master Mensa 2016 has been traveling the world for the last two-ish years, and he’s happy to say that it’s an amazing place to be. He thinks you’re freaking awesome. And he’s right. You have a unique and incredible person, and we all can’t wait to meet you to find out more. Oh, the places you’ll go! Extra credit for Star Wars, LOTR, and comic book references.

*Note: This program was offered last year and may or may not be offered again this year.

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