Program Details 2024*
Gen X Ms SIG Meet and Greet
Do you miss big hair, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Deloreans, Beanie Babies, Furbies, flannel, and slacker couture? We do too! Gen X Ms is a SIG that caters to members born between 1961 and 1981, but Mensans of all ages are welcome to attend. Join us to meet your fellow Gen-X Mensans for a warm and friendly social period. Bartles & Jaymes wine coolers are optional and we thank you for your support!
Presenter’s Name
Tom Schnorrenberg
Presenter’s Bio
Tom Schnrorenberg is the Gen X M's SIG Coordinator. He's been an active member of Mensa since 2000, and currently serves as Assistant Local Secretary of Boston Mensa. He's congregated with his Mensa family at many an AG and Mind Games over the years, and is always on the lookout for good wee drams, pints, and fine Ethiopian cuisine wherever he travels,
*Note: This program was offered last year and may or may not be offered again this year.