Program Details 2023*


Gen-X Ms SIG Meet & Greet


Oh my gosh, you guys! We should totally get together in a room here at Weem. Wouldn't it be just rad to meet other Gen X Mensans? Yeah, bud. It'd be gnarly. Gen X focuses on individuals born between 1961 and 1981, but those Gen-X curious are welcome to join us. Tubular!

Presenter’s Name

Tom Schnorrenberg

Presenter’s Bio

Tom Schnorrenberg lives in Tewksbury, Massachusetts, and is the Assistant LocSec of Boston Mensa, your Misster Mensa Guru, and the Gen-X Ms SIG Coordinator. After the work laptop gets shut down, he enjoys online board gaming, fancies himself a semi-foodie, no doubt acquired during his childhood in Wheaton, Illinois. It is always a treat to come back home.

*Note: This program was offered last year and may or may not be offered again this year.

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