
Program Details 2024*


Singing at the Bedside


Kindness Made Audible is the motto of the Threshold Choir, an international volunteer organization founded to sing at the bedsides of those at the end of life or dealing with severe health issues. Several members of a local chapters will join Penelope in sharing about the principles of singing for the purpose of bringing comfort to a loved one, We will also give participants the experience of being sung to in this manner -- a cappella 3-part harmony, with a blend reminiscent of angels.

Presenter’s Name

Penelope Salinger

Presenter’s Website

Presenter’s Bio

LCSW and singer/songwriter, Penelope has been singing with the Santa Barbara Threshold Singers since 2007 and now serves as director for the chapter. She has composed several pieces for the repertoire and facilitates Regional Gatherings across the US.

*Note: This program was offered last year and may or may not be offered again this year.

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