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Volunteer for WeeM Now!

Double your chance of winning gift cards as well as other prizes by signing up before October 31st!


Facts. WeeM could not ever happen without your help. Period.

Please consider donating a few hours (or more) of your time to make WeeM the amazing event that it is and has been for 48 years! Volunteer for 4 hours and collect the 2024 WeeM-theme Volunteer Pin — you will see many people with their pins from previous years — and maybe win a gift card in the raffle! If you sign up to set up on Thursday or break down on Sunday, you qualify for double raffle entries as indicated on the Volunteer Sign Up website.

Volunteering offers you a great opportunity to be in the spotlight, become part of WeeM 48’s elite crew, and hobnob with the stars of WeeM! Volunteer to earn the coveted 2024 WeeM-theme Volunteer Pin — the rest of the attendees will be so jealous — and maybe win some gift cards! Some volunteer slots qualify for double raffle entries as indicated on the Volunteer Sign Up website. It’s the volunteers that make WeeM so special. In addition to the organizers, we need many people to help us. There is much to do and you will meet some of the nicest people (afterall, Mensans and guests who volunteer are truly the best).

You must volunteer for a minimum of 4 hours to qualify for the pin.

It’s the volunteers that make WeeM so special. Besides giving back to our community and possibly earning a prize, you will truly meet some of the nicest people (afterall… Mensans and guests who volunteer are truly the best).

Note: WeeMsters are responsible for cleaning up their own mess so feel free to gently remind anyone who is leaving the Game Room or Hospitality without doing so. Consider volunteering for any of the following:

  • Loading the truck on Thursday at the storage facility
  • Unloading the truck on Thursday at the hotel
  • Set up at the hotel on Thursday
  • Work in hospitality to make sure food is available throughout the day as well as at mealtimes
  • Restocking the beverages
  • Replenishing the snacks and tidying up those areas
  • Registration
  • Organize the books for the sale by separating them into the different genres; some heavy lifting may be required by the stronger volunteers
  • Help check that the people at WeeM are indeed registered (wearing their badges for the appropriate day) and meet the age restriction at functions like Pretentious Drinking
  • At meal times, help direct people to the queue outside of Hospitality to enter the serving area.
  • Encourage people in Hospitality and the Games Room to bus their own tables.
  • Serve as speaker shepards where you greet speakers, show them where to go, and ensure they have the equipment they need for their program
  • Tidying up of Games Room by putting games away and restacking them
  • Logistics/Runners
  • Tearing down on Sunday and packing everything up
  • Loading the truck at the hotel
  • Unloading the truck at the storage facility

Benefits of Volunteering

  • That warm fuzzy feeling one gets by doing good.
  • Meet like-minded people who enjoy helping and might even become a new friend!
  • For every hour you donate, you earn a raffle ticket. People loading/unloading the truck on Thursday and/or Sunday and Hospitality servers will earn double tickets, so plan ahead to help at these critical times! The raffle will be held late Sunday morning, at 11 AM, during the Awards & Announcements program, so be sure to submit your completed tickets to the raffle box before then. Winners need not be present for prizes of more than $20.
  • Receive the coveted WeeM pin (new design every year) as a token of our appreciation when you donate four hours or more of your time.
  • For every hour you donate, earn a raffle ticket for prizes. People working certain positions/time slots, as indicated on the volunteer sign up website, earn double tickets! The raffle will be held late Sunday morning, at 11 AM, during the Awards & Announcements program, so be sure to submit your completed tickets before then. Winners need not be present for prizes of more than $20.

Our Volunteer Form lists the different positions and time slots available as well as which qualify for additional raffle tickets. We encourage you to sign up in advance so we can better plan our coverage for the various activities. The online Volunteer form will be available through Sunday, November 3rd.

If for some reason you double book yourself or you realize there’s an incredible program you just must attend, it’s easy to rearrange your schedule. Simply follow the instructions below.

If you haven’t had the chance to sign up ahead of time or you simply get inspired while at WeeM, an on-site sign-up sheet will be on the volunteer table near registration (or use the online form) — even better find a friend or group to join you and maximize your positive impact.

Hospitality: We will not be able to accept any walk-in volunteers for Hospitality this year due to Covid safety precautions, so please sign up in advance using the online form or the on-site sign-up sheet near registration!

We truly Thank You! We really do appreciate all those who generously give of their time and talents. You make our RG amazing and that’s why people return to attend WeeM year after year.

The latest Programs At A Glance (PAAG) shows you when and where the tournaments and programs are scheduled and helps you avoid volunteering during a time slot that may conflict with something you wish to attend. As always, there may be last minutes changes due to cancellations and/or conflicts and the PAAG will be updated accordingly.


Viewing or Rearranging Your Volunteer Slots

If you signed up and you'd like see all your time slots, including ones you wish to cancel, you have two options:
  1. Use the link in your confirmation e-mail which will take you directly to your list of commitments.
  2. Use the Volunteer Form and tap/click on the “My Commitments” in the bottom left corner, which will take you to your list of commitments.

Tap/click on the Slot you wish to cancel. The Slot will appear and at the bottom, you have the option to Cancel This.

NOTE: Do not delete your confirmation email. If you need to rearrange your volunteer schedule and doing so requires you to cancel a slot, using the link in your confirmation e-mail will make it really easy. Click on the link, and it will take your personal list of Commitments. Cancel by tapping/clicking on a specific slot. The Slot details will appear and you have the option to cancel by tapping/clicking on Cancel This at the very bottom of the screen.

If you have any questions or issues, contact our Volunteer Coördinator .


  • Registration - Join the fun at WeeM. Register at the door if you haven’t preregistered. The deadline for online registration was October 18th.
  • Vendor space - Please complete and submit a Vendor Application by TODAY. If you have any questions after reviewing the Vendor Flyer containing all the details, contact the WeeM Vendor Liaison .
  • Lodging - The deadline set by the hotel for the WeeM rate was October 17th.
  • Room and/or Ride Sharing - Let us help match you up with another attendee who is also interested in sharing a room or ride by submitting your information by Wednesday, October 30th.
  • Speaker/Tournament Submissions - The deadline to submit your proposal for a program or tournament for WeeM was Monday, September 30th.

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