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Check this site in May for information about our 49th WeeM!

You had a great time in years past, and this year promises to be more memorable than ever.

Join the WeeM team! Contact our Chair .


We will have a wide array of tournaments just as we have every year! Tournaments are offered in separate room(s) from the Open Gaming room. The hotel layout for HalloweeM can be found here. As always, you can expect some new ones for this upcoming HalloweeM as well some past favorites. The following list of tournaments and game-related programs shows the ones that may be scheduled for WeeM 49. This list will be updated periodically and finalized based on the Programs At A Glance (PAAG).

Sign-up sheets for the tournaments (including ones that may not be listed) will be located in Hospitality near Ravinia A, the Games Room.


The game room will be available around the clock, with the Chicago Area Mensa collection of (at last count) over 380 games. We’re sometimes asked what games we have, by people who bring games to RGs and don’t want to tote one that will already be on hand. We’ve got you covered! Over on Board Game Geek, you can find the list of our entire collection (minus a couple of oldies for which the Geek has no entry). Check it out!

Please be considerate. WeeM attendees are expected to clean up after themselves. When finished playing, put all game components back into the box. Also remove all cups, plates, utensils, wrappers, papers, personal items, etc. before leaving the Games Room. The hotel staff does not bus Hospitality nor the Games Room.


There are also contests at WeeM like the annual Costume Contest and the Volunteer Raffle. Occasionally there have been additional contests but it hasn’t been decided what may be offered. The list below includes some that were offered in the past. Contact the HalloweeM Chair  if you’d like to propose and be in charge of a contest.

  • Cookie Decorating Contest
  • Build your own Scarecrow - Bring some old clothes from home; get creative and build a traditional or unusual scarecrow! There will also be some stuff supplied but you may have some better garb to give your scarecrow “personality.”
  • Costume Contest - Friday night’s costume parade is legendary. There are winners in multiple categories: best pun, worst pun, best traditional, best based on the WeeM theme, and even best bribe -- so this year, go adventurous, musical, or out-of-this-world.
  • Volunteer Raffle - Although not a contest, the more hours you volunteer, the more chances you get to win prizes, doubled if you sign up in advance — and, although being kind, generous, and considerate is its own reward, who doesn’t need a few extra bucks! . Winners announced Sunday morning. Winners of the larger award amounts need not be present.

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